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Look, all I am saying is Q1 (Jan - April) and taking from the relase dates, the 360 has more exclusives(good or bad). Yes Killzone will be great and so will Halo 4 and SO4. Also, I think it is still pre mature to think one consoles will have better exclusive than the other based on unknown release date and Other unannounced titles. I agree if GOW3 and GT5 both are release later this year, Microsoft wil need something ver big to top those 2 Dynamic Duo but we don't know if they are going to be released this year or not. Same thing with Killzone 2 and Halo Wars, they were originally going to be released in 2008 but was push back to 2009. Things can change you know.

I still think Halo Wars and SO4 is better because they are not just another shooter. I like variety in my gaming.