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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 5 Graphical powerhouses exclusive to Xbox360!

Solid_Raiden said:
That is an awful list. OMG, that was terrible. Only Alan wake on that list is going to be a graphical powerhouse and the truth is that we've only seen screens from the PC version. Gears and Gears 2 should be on that list unless we are talking about future releases only. I'm sure 360 will have increadible looking games this year but your list doesn't show that. At least put Halo Wars and SO4 or something.

As of now, graphically, it seems to me that the PS3 has a lot more graphical powerhouses coming out this year. That being said, I think that Microsoft will announce some increadible looking games that will come out this year later on where sony might have busted it's load already and shown us all the powerhouses we can expect this year.


You've said "this year" an awful lot of times but don't you mean "next" year ?

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Million said:
Solid_Raiden said:
That is an awful list. OMG, that was terrible. Only Alan wake on that list is going to be a graphical powerhouse and the truth is that we've only seen screens from the PC version. Gears and Gears 2 should be on that list unless we are talking about future releases only. I'm sure 360 will have increadible looking games this year but your list doesn't show that. At least put Halo Wars and SO4 or something.

As of now, graphically, it seems to me that the PS3 has a lot more graphical powerhouses coming out this year. That being said, I think that Microsoft will announce some increadible looking games that will come out this year later on where sony might have busted it's load already and shown us all the powerhouses we can expect this year.


You've said "this year" an awful lot of times but don't you mean "next" year ?


 Yea, I obviously meant next year. lol

So close it might as well be this year anyway. :P

PS3 Trophies




please add SO4 & GEOW 2 n take out ninety nine kinghts, ninja game

n the thread will be fine :)

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Saw this thread coming a mile away....

4 ≈ One

The list is for games not out,as in next year GAWD!!

But yea i could of made the list better,but the truth is iv forgotten many 360 games even existed since there low ki.

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Come on man you could have definitely come up with a better list. The only ones that belong on that list are Alan Wake and Gears of War, both of which will have PC versions that will look miles better. Where's L.O?

perpride said:
Come on man you could have definitely come up with a better list. The only ones that belong on that list are Alan Wake and Gears of War, both of which will have PC versions that will look miles better. Where's L.O?



Whats that?

^I'm gonna assume he means Lost Odyssey...

Lost Odyssey is already out >_

non of them match killzone 2 non of them

fail thread........................

lol @ 99 nights..did u ever see the orig? it was like an xbox game tarted up a bit.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...