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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN's most epic fail EVER

I guess they just do not understand the game and give it low reviews because they could not be bothered playing the game.

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MrBubbles said:
zexen_lowe said:


And maybe there's a reason that american football is only popular in the US, maybe it's that people of other countries get bored with it (I know I do, for me it's the second most boring sport ever, after baseball).




I lol'd.


Pixel Art can be fun.

Well it deserves a much better score than this and this game probably should not be released in the USA. Scores like this bring down the average of the game drastically and it should not be judged alongside traditional games.
Americans are not that interested in soccer and having to play a tactical game that requires complex decision making through data would not be the average Football/Shooter/Baseball fan's idea of fun.

StanGable said:
I found it accurate and well written. Soccer is a worthless sport. I was born and raised in Mexico and was a soccer fanatic. However, after moving to the States, finding out what school spirit meant (because outside of this country, no fucking place in the world has any clue what school spirit is and it is essential to love the sport and then appreciate the NFL) and getting to truly understand American Football I found out that it is way better than soccer.

Soccer is just a pointless sport where the same 4 teams in the world always win and its more about luck than precision. In American Football, you have to be a total badass to make plays happen and if you can pull it off and not loose the ball after being hit, then you truly are a badass. In soccer all they do is cry and play to be drama actors pretending they got hurt after being pushed a little.

So in conclusion: If you haven't lived the American way of life, immerse yourself in the culture and give American Football the opportunity of understanding, you will never know why American feels the way they do about soccer and why it sucks.

This post is just pure awesome... even if you aren't being sarcastic!

America > rest of world!

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Did someone say soccer was a worthless sport? What sport isn't worthless? Unless you, yourself are playing, what is the point?

Me thinks someones gonna get fired for this.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

c0rd said:
StanGable said:
I found it accurate and well written. Soccer is a worthless sport. I was born and raised in Mexico and was a soccer fanatic. However, after moving to the States, finding out what school spirit meant (because outside of this country, no fucking place in the world has any clue what school spirit is and it is essential to love the sport and then appreciate the NFL) and getting to truly understand American Football I found out that it is way better than soccer.

Soccer is just a pointless sport where the same 4 teams in the world always win and its more about luck than precision. In American Football, you have to be a total badass to make plays happen and if you can pull it off and not loose the ball after being hit, then you truly are a badass. In soccer all they do is cry and play to be drama actors pretending they got hurt after being pushed a little.

So in conclusion: If you haven't lived the American way of life, immerse yourself in the culture and give American Football the opportunity of understanding, you will never know why American feels the way they do about soccer and why it sucks.

This post is just pure awesome... even if you aren't being sarcastic!

America > rest of world!

Prepare yourself

Pixel Art can be fun.

Usually when people claim a review is bad it's often a case of them just being angry as a game they liked got a bad score. However in this case the OP is completly correct. That is a horrid review.

They give it a 4 for gameplay because ''Yes, the depth of management in this game is impressive. But, it’s not impressive enough to make up for the fact that you aren’t actually playing soccer.''
.... wtf. It is a football MANAGER game! That would be like reviewing Theme hospital and saying ''Well the management aspect is great but you don't perform the surgeries so it's rubbish.''
If the managing gameplay is brilliant in a managing game then it deserves a high score. They aren't adveritising it as fifa or something, it's a management game.

The lasting appeal is also a joke
''This game is aimed at a very specific audience, and it’s inconceivable to me that anybody outside of that audience could play even an hour of this game before turning it off for good.''
That would be like giving gears of war a 1 for lasting appeal because it's aimed at shooter fans and a 50year old housewife would probably not like it. If the game has good lasting appeal for the type of people that would actually buy the game then it has good lasting appeal!

This is a rare occasion where I think saying a reviewer should be fired is justified. The person clearly has no idea what they are doing.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

Mummelmann said:
WTF? That's amazingly shortsighted of them, guess they hate football then (soccer for you American nitpickers).

I love football, go Titans!!

Playstation 3 owner since December 25th, 2006