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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Scribblenauts: new, DS game, fantastic idea

That sounds fantastic! I love the DS so much.

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Holy crap...

I'm speechless after watching that trailer.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Wow. I must say 5thCell is starting to become quite an awesome developer. Both of their DS releases were were very creative and quite frankly awesome, and this new one looks to be the best of them all.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

that is one of the most mindblowingly aweomse and original concepts i have ever seen.






Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


This just went straight to the top of my most anticipated list. I wonder how many puzzles you can solve with "p-e-n-i-s."

Also, this reminds me that I still need to check out Lock's Quest.

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why has no one thought of this before ?

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.

great idea and i hope that puzzles will be complicated DO WANT(i lol'd at the policeman-donut thing)

i wonder how bear can get you a star

Sylvarantinc said:
why has no one thought of this before ?


 The idea was so over used in the 80s that its largely been abandon. I have been wondering for years when someone was going to take advantage of how much tech has advanced since then.

Bodhesatva said:

This is made by 5th cell, the guys who made Drawn to Life.

Basic premise:

What Scribblenauts is about in a nutshell is basically "Anything you write, you can use." That's where the concept really came from. It's the idea of "What if you had all these puzzles, and in order to solve them you can write anything; the limit is your imagination." How you do that is through this character Maxwell. As Maxwell you have to grab in-level objects called Starites, and to do that you can write anything you want, and it'll spawn that object. So if there's a Starite in the tree, you could write "ladder" and then a ladder would spawn. Climb up the ladder, and you grab the Starite.



It could be either very awesome or very not awesome.


It sounds really interesting, and I hear Drawn to Life was one hell of a game, so I have high hopes for this one.


That being said, have you ever played the old adventure games, King's Quest or what have you where play by typing the following

take sword

What's a sword?

take dagger

What's a dagger?

take scimitar

What's a scimitar?

take sharppointything

What's a sharppointything?

take your mum

What's a your mum?


Frustrating :P

Hmm... That's funny, I was pondering over a similar idea for a game, though I would take it a little further by making you "write" the game before you play it. Of course it's only an idea and I'm just a rookie game designer, but its interesting none-the-less.

Now I see the point of this game is to give the player the freedom to solve a puzzle any way he wishes - that's a cool idea, but there are some issues. For one, I wonder how many items will be functional duplicates, and how many puzzles will be either overly generic or very specific in how you solve them. I'm sure they will work it out to the best of their capabilities, but balancing could be a problem. And of course, it will be quite infuriating for the player when he writes a word the game does not recognize - it takes you out of the game completely.

Overall though this looks quite exiting - I'll be sure to keep my eye on it.