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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tekken 6 is EPIC!!!

For those complaining about controllers... I give you a controller that makes the DS3 look like crap

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Cueil said:
For those complaining about controllers... I give you a controller that makes the DS3 look like crap

Because everyone wants to buy a freakin arcade stick to play fighting games on his console. How does 2 players go? 2 arcade sticks?


This should be in the Gaming section it's not exclusive. It's on 360 to.

Rant # 1: The only reason I resent Tekken 6 going multi-platform is that every Tekken 6 thread is doomed to become a XBox 360 vs PS3 catfight like this one.

Rant #2: Both the Smash Bros series and the Tekken series are very deep fighters with very different styles. I love them both and I don't think there's one better than the other.

OT: I can't wait for the game, my Asuka and Heihachi are looking forward to kicking your asses!

Signature goes here!

Cueil, did I read wrong or did you just post a $275 arcade stick?


It is nice though, I must admit.

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I prefere my trusty dual shock over arcade sticks. Don't like them. (yes i've played tekken with them before)

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Staude said:
When this game gets out we should have a VG tourney :P


I don't know about a tourney but we definately need a Official Tekken 6 thread like the Brawl thread where we can talk about our matches, characters, combos and all things Tekken. I'd make it now but the game is kinda far away...

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Rant # 1: The only reason I resent Tekken 6 going multi-platform is that every Tekken 6 thread is doomed to become a XBox 360 vs PS3 catfight like this one.

Rant #2: Both the Smash Bros series and the Tekken series are very deep fighters with very different styles. I love them both and I don't think there's one better than the other.

OT: I can't wait for the game, my Asuka and Heihachi are looking forward to kicking your asses!

My Kazuya, Anna, and Feng are ready to do your ass in :)


OMFG... that trailer was epic :D:D:D Ok... maybe except GoW3 there is another game for wich Il buy a PS3 :P

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forevercloud3000 said:


FFXIII is yet to be determined but I can tell you this. FFXIII never truly made it's mark on the world befoe Playstation and that is a fact. Until FFVII they were simply surviving as a gaming company,and were not revaled as a force to be reckoned with. if a weak RPG such as EArms sold better on PS3 so will FFXIII, not to mention the fact it is still exclusive to PS3 in Japan AND it was completly designed around it as the lead system.



Excuse me?  I'm not going to get into which version will sell more because I don't really care but have to comment on this.

Before the PS, Square was already the king of RPG's. There were other people that made RPG's and were quite good at it, but Square was the big daddy of them all (still remember my dream of working for them during the SNES days ;_;).

During the NES days they were just a studio trying to survive but during the SNES days Square could do no wrong at all.  Hell, they only had three of the best RPG's ever made to this day under their belt: FFIV, FFVI, and Chrono Trigger.