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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tekken 6 is EPIC!!!

numonex said:

PS3 is selling a lot slower than its predecessor the PS2. The XBox 360 is selling much better than XBox. MS are in a much better position than Sony.

Why buy a PS3 at $400 while $200 gets you a game console - XBox 360 to play Tekken 6?



The game situations i listed in a prev post show it all. The 360 has been in the lead in pure system sales the whole time, everyone knows that. Yet still some games sell better on PS3 in spite of it.

Tomb Raider(meant to mention this in other post but forgot) also has sold better on PS3, by a HUGE margin from what I am hearing too.360 is at the top of its game right now, so why no TR love? Because some franchises simply do better on one system to another due to loyal fanbase, and particular attachment with the two.

And I would like to point out that the 200 system is a joke. While it was a successful marketing ploy executed nicely by MS, It does not have the gamer in mind. First off the system is advertised to be sold with 6 games(fairly crappy ones might I add). 5 of these downloadable. What happens when the buyer wants MORE DL games? Oops.....too freaking bad, because you bought a sham of a system without a harddrive which is required to play old xbox titles and dl games.

Buying any version of the PS3, out the box, is simply getting you ready for the future. Your future needs as a gamer in general. Im talking about when bluray has taken over dvd entirely, when old cpu types are obsolete, when you get fed up for paying for a feature that is free elsewhere, that is sturdy as a rock, a hefty HDD that can fit all you would need,having wireless connection without having to buy attachements, and when you are sick and tired of going through batteries every month or buying seperate rechargeable batteries. PS3 is the only system out of the box that you would rarely ever need to buy extra crap for, simply to make your experience with it enjoyable/tolerable(except games of course).

My rant is over, this thread is not about all that anyway. It is about the AWESOMENESS that is TEKKEN 6!




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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CGI-Quality said:
forevercloud...great posts bud!!!


Thx man ^^! I have a lot of pinned up rage inside for some reason today lol.

you know, yesterday when I was at work I got into another "discussion" with some customers.

These two guys come in, friends of some sort. They are looking for a good game for 360. I show them our selection and go through the current release of games for the system. GOW2, L4D, Fable 2, Last Remnant, etc. One of the guys apparently is an RPG buff. He is looking for an RPG esque game that allows him and his bud to play together. He pretty much wanted something story driven that was multiplayer. I told him about F2, yet he said he prefered Japanese games. I told him I knew of one other that was exactly what he was describing to me, WKC. He was like, "When is it coming out?". I replied "It is not........for 360" . He then decided to go into a rant on how he could prob get it on 360 just as he had now gained the chance to get FFXIII. My DEBATE light switched on, lol. I told him how the 360 still lacked access to the entire Fabula Nova Crystalis series, and to get it he would need a PS3. His buddy apparently was an avid PS3 fan as well. I told him about how all current gen JRPGs have been C- grade so far on 360. Yet their are RPGs to be had on PS3 that are exclusive that he had never heard of. Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, WKC, ect. His mind was blown when I described the ambitons of the PS3 RPGs that appealled to exactly what he had always hoped for. Needless to say, he is buying a PS3 now.

I love to see the look on customer's faces after they have been enlightened with the TRUTH. PS3 has so many misconceptions floating around that many simply cannot see through them. I make it my mission to bring out the truth of ALL consoles in my store and not shield customers from certain facts.

-PS3 future proof oriented, sturdy hardware, great line up, most of the game you probably love are on it and are prob 1st party exclusives. I cannot tell you how many people ask "When is GOWIII coming to 360?" which is soon followed by my ROFLMAO then shutting down the inclination as quickly as possible. THe PS3's only vice.......huge price point, less games so far.

-360 has been out longer, has more games. Yet it also has a much higher failure rate then the competiton combined. THe hardware is crappy at best with constant RROD, and Disc mutilation by the drive. The system also hides it's costs behind seemingly endless barrage of accessories needed for it to match the PS3's. That online costs, but is indeed better by a small margin then PS3 and Wii's.

-Wii has the least games, worst graphical capabilities, simply cannot compete with HD consoles in any catagory besides control scheme. Even that gets old after a while.

The cold honest truth




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

@ Darth, cmon man beers mates and fighting games on sat night is the biz after a hard weeks work. Let me guess you dont like footy either. Only messin to each his own lol


There are a few good Tekken players on here. Kber81 and Blazinhead have some sweet skills. And dont pick button basher characters like girls, gordo etc


Ok pal lol


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When this game gets out we should have a VG tourney :P

Check out my game about moles ^

darthdevidem01 said:
I just don't understand what people like in such fighting games.

{punch, kick, punch, kick.....K.O.}

Super Smash Bros is how fighters should be like!!!


 Sorry Darth but please don't mention drivel like Smash in a thread about "Fighting" games.

I may get attacked for this but let us be honest, Smash is NOT a fighting game.

Paul Phoenix and Yoshimitsu kick losers like Luigi and Mario around.


I haven't played Tekken since 4. Yes it has been that long. Back in the day when people would cove over the house and I would rack up wins.

We would finish up a night of Tekken and the score card would look like 90-20. With me have the higher numbers. I lose most when I play with other than my main 4.

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It's sad. Money will always have more impact than loyalty. All these third parties could learn a lesson from Kojima.

So, instead of an amazing fighting exclusive, we get a multiplat, which will no doubt be toned down because it has to work on 360 architecture, we don't get a game that can take full advantage of the PS3, and we get stuck with a 5GB install.

Come on, Microsoft, that's just mean. You can have it, a year after the PS3 version comes out!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

^Damn right!

360 always gets this timed exclusive BS. Why not a T6 timed exclusive for PS3? Why must we always wait for them to be ready but not vise versa?

MS plays a dirty game.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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We had to wait 14 months for BioShock! 14 months! And they get a same day release?
I think Sony needs to buy out Mass Effect, just to spite Microsoft.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective