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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Wii could reach 210 million and 70% market share by end of 2012

The Nintendo Wii is selling at a rapid rate and it is on track to sell over 200 million consoles by the end of 2012 and achieve 70% market share of the 7th generation. I assume that 300 million 7th generation consoles will have been sold by the end of 2012 and the first of the 8th generation consoles will have been launched on the market.

PS3 and X360 should be both around 40 to 50 million consoles sold each. PS360 = 90 to 100 million consoles sold by end of 2012.

This is my sales projections for end of 2012. 

The Wii could be over 200 million and 70% market share. But more than likely 60% market share is more realistic.

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210 million vs 40-50 mil for PS3/360?

This doesn't even classify as bold..its just plain stupid.

^ & ^^
Well, the Wii is on its way to reach the 60-70 percent range, so that, at least, is not laughable


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Given the Wii is 60% ahead of the PS2 at the same point of it's life and 30% of the DS, then who knows. Given the PS2 was 95mil after 6 years on the market (which will be 2012 for the Wii), then it will be looking at around 150mil at the same time given the same rate of increase.

However the Wii could easily sell faster if they can get on top of demand, so who knows, maybe 200+mil is possible.

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If Wii gets 50% market share in the beginning of January than we should have an open mind about anything.

You know, change it to 'by end of gen' and his predictions might not be too crazy.

No it wont... come on... are we getting back to the old JL predictions?

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210 million

That is a lot of people, especially with how rarely the Wii needs to be replaced

I mean, I'd be really happy if it did, but dang

That's BS numonex

A Wii console in every family in the whole Western World?!!
So you are saying that almost everyone in North-America and Europe will have one at home?

Europe (including Russia) - 731,000,000 people
Canada & USA - 340,000,000 people
Japan - 127,000,000 people
That's 1,198,000,000 people (subract 300 - 400,000,000 million people in Eastern-Europe and Russia who can't afford it.

210 million potential buyers ???    lol xD