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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA November 2008 Console Sales Totals

Max King of the Wild said:
KatinJin said:

Wait you have to multiply these by .9 right for direct comparison with NPD?


 more like .87 because .1 is Canada alone and .03 is Mexico.

 Well yea, I mean that is what VGC normally references each month when they put up there comparisons.


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I posed this question in the American software sales news post, but no one has replied. Maybe someone in this thread will have an idea about it.

VGC American X360 sales: 478K

VGC American Sega Superstars Tennis Sales: 132K (Arcade bundles)

VGC American Kungfu Panda Sales: 140K
VGC American Lego Indy Sales: 145K
(Pro + Elite bundles): minimum(140K, 145K) -- they have out-of-bundle sales as well, but 140K is the max.

132K + 140K == 272K bundles sold...

So... 272K != 478K. Were there really (478K - 272K) 206K non-bundled 360s sold this week in the Americas?  Does that large a portion of the Americas sales region even have non-bundled X360s available?

If the bundled software isn't counted in the data, how on earth did KungFu Panda, Sega Superstars Tennis, and Lego Indy get so high on the charts this week?  Are they undertracked?  Or is the X360 being overtracked?

Hyruken said:

The Wii sold more units then 360 and PS3 combined.

The Xbox did their part.  Why should they be penalized for the PS3 not upholding their part of the equation?


I'm dissappointed.

4 ≈ One

Max King of the Wild said:
Wii - 1.56
Ps3 0.39
360 - .83

This year for Nov.


 Not quite sure how you got to those numbers as they are not the VGC numbers.

I cant be bothered to re-go over all of them so will just pick the Wii sales to show your wrong

week 1 = 8th nov = Wii sales - 295k

week 2 = 15th nov = Wii sales - 343k

Week 3 = 22nd nov = Wii sales - 335k

Week 4 = 29th nov = Wii sales - 803k

Total for Wii in nov this year based on VGC numbers = 1.77m as i stated. Just on the Wii alone you were over 200k out...

Be interesting to find out how you got to your numbers though as can't be too difficult to just look at the 4 weeks numbers surely?

Around the Network

I have the website add the numbers for me.

And the site has Canada and Mexico's numbers already added so you have to take those sales out to get expected NPD numbers.

Nice try at being condescending though... i bet it stings a little after being so smug then being shown wrong

Waa... year 2 can't be PS3's peak year! It will do better in December thanks to the Rachet and Clank+ Casion Royale bundle I bet.

Max King of the Wild said:

I have the website add the numbers for me.®%5B%5D=America&start=39761&end=39782

And the site has Canada and Mexico's numbers already added so you have to take those sales out to get expected NPD numbers.

Nice try at being condescending though... i bet it stings a little after being so smug then being shown wrong


 clicking on your link shows the exact same numbers i posted in my post.....

seriously if your numbers were different why hae you shown me the same ones i put up? That just supports my numbers and makes yours even more laughable.

Then what makes it even funnier is your line at the end about it must sting to be proven wrong, how am i wrong if you just agreed/linked and supported my numbers exactly? I mean i have seen stupid but this one must be up there with the most...As for the Canada statement your just guessing at what must be taken off the numbers. Idiot.

KatinJin said:

Wait you have to multiply these by .9 right for direct comparison with NPD? Yea it should be;

Wii: 1,593k

X360 853k

PS3 396k


The multiplier will be different this month since there is no Black Friday deal neither in Canada nor in Mexico.


Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

Hyruken said:
Max King of the Wild said:

I have the website add the numbers for me.®%5B%5D=America&start=39761&end=39782

And the site has Canada and Mexico's numbers already added so you have to take those sales out to get expected NPD numbers.

Nice try at being condescending though... i bet it stings a little after being so smug then being shown wrong


 clicking on your link shows the exact same numbers i posted in my post.....

seriously if your numbers were different why hae you shown me the same ones i put up? That just supports my numbers and makes yours even more laughable.

Then what makes it even funnier is your line at the end about it must sting to be proven wrong, how am i wrong if you just agreed/linked and supported my numbers exactly? I mean i have seen stupid but this one must be up there with the most...As for the Canada statement your just guessing at what must be taken off the numbers. Idiot.


 Haven't posted on/read this site for long have you? NPD = VGC NA x ~0.9 that is pretty much accepted here and has been pretty accurate. Also you might note that Max did not insult you but infact applauded your attempt at being condescending so there is no reason to call anyone an idiot.

Currently dreaming of: DKC4 or Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (classic 2D platformers) for WiiWare, Smash Bros. for DSi, New Super Mario World for DSi, a Wii remake or true sequel of Final Fantasy Tactics.

One down, hopefully more awesomeness to come.