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I posed this question in the American software sales news post, but no one has replied. Maybe someone in this thread will have an idea about it.

VGC American X360 sales: 478K

VGC American Sega Superstars Tennis Sales: 132K (Arcade bundles)

VGC American Kungfu Panda Sales: 140K
VGC American Lego Indy Sales: 145K
(Pro + Elite bundles): minimum(140K, 145K) -- they have out-of-bundle sales as well, but 140K is the max.

132K + 140K == 272K bundles sold...

So... 272K != 478K. Were there really (478K - 272K) 206K non-bundled 360s sold this week in the Americas?  Does that large a portion of the Americas sales region even have non-bundled X360s available?

If the bundled software isn't counted in the data, how on earth did KungFu Panda, Sega Superstars Tennis, and Lego Indy get so high on the charts this week?  Are they undertracked?  Or is the X360 being overtracked?