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Forums - Sony Discussion - Socom Confrontation : May sell 700k - 1 million+ liftime.

So much wasted potential this game was.

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Socom will easily hit 1,000,000. This is a word-of-mouth game just like the old games were and after they fix issues/implement new features socom fans will come flocking.

disolitude said:
lol...why would anyone play this with Resistance 2 out and killzone 2 coming out. And call of duty 4 still being kickass... Oh wait, the bluetooth headset right...


 That bundle would have been really effective if it was at launch of the ps3, it does cause a huge bunch of people to purchase the game for the headset, but I believe some fans really wanted to play it, but they should have been turned off by the beta.


This probably wouldn't even do 200k without headset bundle.


I'm gonna get this eventually. It was gonna be a first day buy for me until I heard how many bugs Sony shipped it with. Since they had the balls to release a game to consumers like that, i'm gonna take my sweet ass time buying it. They better get zipper to make the next one. For the record I did hear that the online was actually fun now though. Can anyone confirm this?

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

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Slavedemonxi said:
I'm gonna get this eventually. It was gonna be a first day buy for me until I heard how many bugs Sony shipped it with. Since they had the balls to release a game to consumers like that, i'm gonna take my sweet ass time buying it. They better get zipper to make the next one. For the record I did hear that the online was actually fun now though. Can anyone confirm this?


 Yes it's actually fun. So fun that 1up and many numerous review sites thought it deserved an updated score.

Zlejedi - I bet this game will get 200k with DL only LT so there goes your theory.

It probably already reached 500k, ever heard about download numbers?

I want the headset so I'll be grabbing it sometime next year.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

depends on how Christmas goes it could sell a million by 2009( possible)