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Forums - General Discussion - Did/do your parent/guardian not let you play certain games?

Oh yeah! My parents didn't want me to play Mortal Kombat, even the SNES one with the whited out gore, and I was in Jr. High at the time. So I just went to a friends house.

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My mom and dad are pretty cool with any games I play. They trust me and as long as I don't get influence by the bad games I play. My parents are okay with me buying mature games but they can't have any nudity in the games and it can't be something way too overboard.


@WiiBox3: MK is what finally made me the cool kid... for a little while.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Yes.... :(

My mom didn't want me playing GTA San Andreas but then I had her have a spin at it and she loved it.

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I never wanted any games that my parents wouldn't let me buy, but I was never into many violent games anyways.

marciosmg said:
NOt really, but we would have constant conversations about right and wrong and the diffrence between real world and fantasy world.

Same here, after our discussions I would usually get the game. There's maybe 2 or 3 games they never allowed me to get. For some reason, my dad would never allow me to buy Half-Life but allow me to buy GTA III.

my mom does not care!

GTA III when I was 9... so the answer has to be no.

They do think that all video games rot my mind, which is why they do their best to obstruct

I am 19, 20 in April, so I don't have a problem ;)