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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN's preview of Killzone 2.

There goes Zen.

Off-topic trolling again.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:

Ah, how quickly IGN turns from the most respected site on the internet to the most despised.

It's ironic how much these posts would have differed had that review been about Gears of War 2. Were this game not exclusive, most of you would write it off because of this preview. Let me repost a little something I wrote recently, and this thread proves I was totally on point:

The thing is, most of these sites have some huge mistake they've made that has made the PS3 fanbase totally distrust and hate them.

Once you lose the PS3 fanbase, you lose generalized opinion. You lose positive stories on N4G, and gain negative ones. The PS3 fanbase is definitely the most influential on the internet, that's one thing about those guys.

Gametrailers has the game compraison controversy.

Gamespot has the Gerstman firing and the Rachet/Princess scores.

Xplay has the Core Crisis review.

IGN has been very careful not to rock the boat with the Sony fans. That, at least, has been a smart move from a PR standpoint. Screw Sony fans over once, and you're done. I've actually seen sigs of Sony fan avatars pissing on Eurogamer and Edge magazine, lol.

If you're on top, you've got to appease certain audiences. You can't even have the appearance of improperiety. You can't afford to underscore games when you're an early reviewer. In the gaming media, standards are a bad thing. The more you shill, the more popular you are.

I was so epically right about every word of that, that I seriously should have some groupies, just based off the excellence of that post. It was so....inciteful.

Were this preview positive(I haven't read it), it would be being touted to the heavens as confirmation of a AAA game. Since it isn't(confirmation), IGN simply must be wrong, and stupid to boot?

IGN is not wrong at all. If you were to read IGN's preview of this game, you would see Jeff Haynes practically salivating over every aspect of this game.

IGN AU, on the other hand... *sigh*. I never trusted them. They have crossed the border into Edge levels of-

Okay, I'll stop. I'll wait for their "review" in February next year and see how many "problems" they manage to "pick up".

IGN AU are the new Gamespot confirmed.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Um, what the hell does the Gerstman firing have to do with rabbid Sony fanboys Zen? In general, these days most of the Sony fans in here are eating their hats and getting dunked every day.
Most of them have realized (at long last) that the PS3 will not be a new PS2 in any way, shape or form and only a small core remain seated in the crazy bus.
Don't elevate yourself like this, it does not become you to gloat and act all arrogant in here, that's not the Zen we (most of us) usually read and respect (to an extent at least).

Dgc1808 said:
makingmusic476 said:
The shotgun in question:


IGN has gone mad, CONFIRMED!!

Didn't IGN say that the sound seemed off..... not the animation?  The animation looks great, but if it has a weak little *bang* then I can see IGN's point.  From that clip it looks like a pretty big boomer of a gun.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


My hyphothisis was absolutely correct, but I don't want to get into that, it'd just be a text crit, and it's missing the point. Suffice it to say that IGN is simply an idea, not a person, and individuals write their articles, not some great collective consciousness.

The point is, how quickly the loving PS3 fanbase turned rabid on IGN when they put up a small article criticizing a couple of aspects of the next Sony golden calf. Such a magnificant example of my Sony fanbase theory, and how review sources must now appease that market, or be destined and doomed to lack of credibility in the minds of the average internet gamer. I bet 10 to 1 that this story is on, or will be on N4G(with heavy damage control, and 2 negative 360 articles to counteract it), and spun negatively towards IGN by every commentor and probably the articles poster.

If someone only read N4G, they would think that Sony was easily winning this console war.


Your 2nd paragraph still falls prey to my argument that 360 folks do the same thing, so stop trying to say it's a Sony thing.  It's not.  It's just that that's the base that currently has a bee in its bonnet.  There are a lot of sites that favor 360 and hate PS3, and do damage control and write negative articles.  So you are only self-interestedly telling 1/3 of the story.

The PS3 fans have far more pull and influence, and everyone who has seen the Internet knows it. Just look at some of the most visited news sites. I just took this screenshot....


Read that crap, dude. This is the PS3 we're talking about. I've seen less spin on the SDF than I have seen from nearly every N4G article....

Are there popular Microsoft propoganda sites that people tout as "news sites?"


Agreed only that there are lots of Playstation fans out there.  I don't think they're the most vocal and I don't think they made N4G pop into existence.  I've never been to that site, in fact, and its existence doesn't prove the points you were trying to make.  And yeah, there are tons of biased sites, some of which nurtured the focused and purely anti-Sony "Wii60" movement early on and some that are still just blatant haters/shills (fuck you, Kotaku).

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It's like their complaints about it are complaints that should be towards ever stereotypical shooter ever created. Why the hell do you take the time now to rag on KZ2 when you should have been doing that to almost every one of them in the last 3 years before it.

That's what I can't stand about media sites lately. They take time to nitpick at a game but not others just for some reason or another. Where was this nitpicking with Halo 3? Where was this nitpicking with the Call of Duty games?

The shooter genre has had these issues for a damn long time now and that you decide to pick on Killzone 2 instead of the ones before it is just unprofessional whining.

People shouldn't worry too much about this because if you can handle the shooter genre up too now this won't be too much of an issue. Just try not to look into it too much. But do start questioning these media sites who rate all those shooter games all these shooters based off unjustified hype and then piss you off when they decide to be a hypocrite.

Zucas said:
It's like their complaints about it are complaints that should be towards ever stereotypical shooter ever created. Why the hell do you take the time now to rag on KZ2 when you should have been doing that to almost every one of them in the last 3 years before it.

That's what I can't stand about media sites lately. They take time to nitpick at a game but not others just for some reason or another. Where was this nitpicking with Halo 3? Where was this nitpicking with the Call of Duty games?

The shooter genre has had these issues for a damn long time now and that you decide to pick on Killzone 2 instead of the ones before it is just unprofessional whining.

People shouldn't worry too much about this because if you can handle the shooter genre up too now this won't be too much of an issue. Just try not to look into it too much. But do start questioning these media sites who rate all those shooter games all these shooters based off unjustified hype and then piss you off when they decide to be a hypocrite.


It's ego man.  A lot of people talked crap about Killzone 2 back in the day, and now that's it turning out good, many are trying to downplay the game in the hopes of not having to eat their words.

I'm surprised Eurogamer's impressions were so glowing.  I can't wait to see 1UP's, though.  If Shane previews it, we'll get an extremely positive impressions of the game (everyone knows he's a Sony fanboy), but if David Ellis previews it, we'll get a very negative preview. He was already saying in the 1UP show last week it needs the controls of CoD4 to truly be great.  Let the game stand on its own. Don't compain that it's not a CoD4 clone.

From what I've read so far, it seems that killzone 2 is too classic! The only thing that's really impressive with this game is its graphics. I don't think this will be a triple A game, but I hope I'm wrong!

The game is basically COD4 meets GeoW. (Let's call it Gears of Duty.)

How can this not appeal to shooter fans?

Zucas said:

That's what I can't stand about media sites lately. They take time to nitpick at a game but not others just for some reason or another. Where was this nitpicking with Halo 3? Where was this nitpicking with the Call of Duty games? 


Are you kidding me?  Halo3 and CoD5 were nitpicked to death. 


People have a problem with this article because it doesn't confirm what they want to believe.