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It's like their complaints about it are complaints that should be towards ever stereotypical shooter ever created. Why the hell do you take the time now to rag on KZ2 when you should have been doing that to almost every one of them in the last 3 years before it.

That's what I can't stand about media sites lately. They take time to nitpick at a game but not others just for some reason or another. Where was this nitpicking with Halo 3? Where was this nitpicking with the Call of Duty games?

The shooter genre has had these issues for a damn long time now and that you decide to pick on Killzone 2 instead of the ones before it is just unprofessional whining.

People shouldn't worry too much about this because if you can handle the shooter genre up too now this won't be too much of an issue. Just try not to look into it too much. But do start questioning these media sites who rate all those shooter games all these shooters based off unjustified hype and then piss you off when they decide to be a hypocrite.