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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ghostbusters relaunch trailer, release date, and new progress report


Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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I agree with all the above posts ;)

Really though some games aren't even set in a destroyed world or city environments yet still get the same brown/black/gray colors which gets rather frustrating, then you get people that look "realistic" but look like dead corpses...

But most developers do have a huge lack of imagination which is the reason for the lack of artistic games.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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rocketpig said:
For both of you, pay attention to my second point.

noname2200 said:

And this kind of goes along with your second point...

rocketpig said:

Look at games like...BioShock...if you want realism without the bland color palette.

That's the kind of thing I was talking about. Granted, too much of the game was too dark (faux horror game, wha'chagonnado?), but I enjoyed how it was a city that looked like people, not just mindless drones, once lived there. I want more of that.

noname2200 said:
rocketpig said:
For both of you, pay attention to my second point.

noname2200 said:

And this kind of goes along with your second point...

rocketpig said:

Look at games like...BioShock...if you want realism without the bland color palette.

That's the kind of thing I was talking about. Granted, too much of the game was too dark (faux horror game, wha'chagonnado?), but I enjoyed how it was a city that looked like people, not just mindless drones, once lived there. I want more of that.

Smartass. :D

Again, BioShock relied on that "0/0/0 RGB" color palette too much. I understand that it was a "horror" game (without the "RPG" part... grrr...), but it is one of the finest examples of how to create a world environment that made the game. I would rank Rapture as the penultimate game world behind Fallout 1's world... It's that good. Hard to compare that type of brilliance to other, lesser games. Rapture became its own entity and that, by itself, was much better than 90% of the games I play.

Again, a lack of imagination is our problem, not the color palette.

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Looks interesting. I'll have to add it to my watch list.

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rocketpig said:
For both of you, pay attention to my second point. Many of these games take place in apocalyptic urban environments... Brown and grey. Overcast. Blah blah blah.

Like I said, I blame the lack of imagination. It's hard to create an interesting gameplay environment without a city. With the city, you get loads of bland colors. Think of 9/11 ground zero. There were plenty of colors there at 8:55 AM. At 9:55 AM, not so much. All grey.

Look at games like Halo, BioShock, or even Haze if you want realism without the bland color palette. Two of those are largely jungle environments, one is a decadent underwater city.

 Which ends in a brown version of the real world and that is what I said I dislike. I really don't care if they have a reason for it. There is a reason I feel pain when but I don't particularly care for the experience. The post-apocalyptic ones aren't even on the top of my shit list honestly. The last game that drove me up a while (and chased me away from photo realistic graphics entirely) was Vanguard. That game had no excuse for its browness. Fallout 3 has me intrigued and might get my disdain for the style to decrease, but it is an uphill battle.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

twesterm said:
nordlead said:
so Twesterm, which version will you be getting?


Probably which ever one they give me. 

Though I do admit, if there does happen to be a PS3 version + BluRay GB1 and 2 I will probably buy that because Ghostbusters is in my top 5 movies of all time and I've been waiting patiently to get the movies again (I lost my DVD versions in a move ;_;).


 If you have Netflix, Ghostbusters is a watch it now title. So you can even watch it on your xbox 360!

PS3 Trophies



Gnizmo said:
rocketpig said:
For both of you, pay attention to my second point. Many of these games take place in apocalyptic urban environments... Brown and grey. Overcast. Blah blah blah.

Like I said, I blame the lack of imagination. It's hard to create an interesting gameplay environment without a city. With the city, you get loads of bland colors. Think of 9/11 ground zero. There were plenty of colors there at 8:55 AM. At 9:55 AM, not so much. All grey.

Look at games like Halo, BioShock, or even Haze if you want realism without the bland color palette. Two of those are largely jungle environments, one is a decadent underwater city.

 Which ends in a brown version of the real world and that is what I said I dislike. I really don't care if they have a reason for it. There is a reason I feel pain when but I don't particularly care for the experience. The post-apocalyptic ones aren't even on the top of my shit list honestly. The last game that drove me up a while (and chased me away from photo realistic graphics entirely) was Vanguard. That game had no excuse for its browness. Fallout 3 has me intrigued and might get my disdain for the style to decrease, but it is an uphill battle.

Fair enough. I'll take this moment to point out that I also enjoy vivid environments much more than drab but I'm just trying to point out that there are reasons for these grey/brown environments. I'm not saying you should like them, just accept their reasons. Some of which suck.

Again, for the umpteenth time, lack of imagination. Hell, BioShock would have been a better game had they made it 6 hours and cut off that last 1/3rd of shit Irrational slapped on us. The game would have been my only 10/10 game (excluding smaller games like Portal) of the past three years if they would have done that. Instead, they got cute and bollocksed the entire thing up.

Damn it, now I'm angry about BioShock again. My therapist keeps telling me to not think about that game...


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Solid_Raiden said:
twesterm said:
nordlead said:
so Twesterm, which version will you be getting?


Probably which ever one they give me. 

Though I do admit, if there does happen to be a PS3 version + BluRay GB1 and 2 I will probably buy that because Ghostbusters is in my top 5 movies of all time and I've been waiting patiently to get the movies again (I lost my DVD versions in a move ;_;).


 If you have Netflix, Ghostbusters is a watch it now title. So you can even watch it on your xbox 360!


There are some movies I would much rather own. 



Ghostbusters was, is and will be my favorite movie franchise.

This game cannot be ignored.

I was so upset when Sierra lost it's publisher for this and other titles, but thanks to the magic of Atari (i believe) my gaming life can be complete.

@twest out in time for the 25th aniversary?

Man, me too stoked to even type coherently

Proud Sony Rear Admiral