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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sonic Unleashed IGN Reviews

xlost7 said:


I listen solely on one reviewer and obiviously the OP did the same thing and the OP trusts IGN but wanted to hear insights on others on this forum. 

Who are "gamechronicles" anyway? I don't know them let alone have they been a source on these forums. Until just now you sourced them.


Gamechronicles is a site and that reviewer has an opinion jsut like IGN reviewers.

Listening to 1 review to make up your mind. That doesn't make sense. Especially since the reviewer that did that Sonic review must be on her period. Here is how I know.

Wii version and Xbox360 Version are...identical!!!! when it comes to gameplay. Presentation and graphics differ slightly.

Wii scored 7.2, 360 scored 4.5.

Now you can make arguments that wii gets a free pass when it comes to reviews but that is not the case. 2 people reviewed it and 2 very different scores were given.

Here is another review.

Thats like saying "Wow sonic unleashed is AAA considering it got 9/10 from Hardcore gamer"



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BrainBoxLtd said:
disolitude said:

Thats a terrible review btw. There are no control issues, the framerate problems are minor and don't hurt the gameplay, sound is quite excellent, controls are good on 360, excellent on the wii. Sheer production of the game puts it in to the blockbuster category as its very polished. That reviewer doesn't know what shes talking about.

Hilary Goldstein is a guy.


Well with a name like Hilary...can we be surprised he is pissed at the world and is handing out terrible reviews to good games?


Its not displayed on my gamercard because my 360 has been at work for the last 4 or 5 days, but let me tell you this, Sonic unleashed on 360 in my eyes is a great game, IGN really dropped the ball this time by giving it such a low score. the warehog levels are not half as bad as what some people were making out, i have completed the 1st continent and im half way through the 2nd so of course this is by no means a full review but let me tell you that the sonic levels i have played so far are fantastic. The snowy level in Holoska has to be seen, it looks amazing, and let me also tell you this, Once you press the boost button whilst your running with sonic he goes so fast that your eyes will bleed.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my opinion based on what i have played so far i would give Sonic unleashed easily an 8.5/10

Well, I wasn't sure what to do. I'm buying a 360 this coming May after exams are finished. And I was thinking of buying Sonic Unleashed for the Wii now, or buying it later for the 360. When I go to gamefaqs, on the message boards all people do is bash the Wii version and praise the 360 version. Hell, I got flamed just for saying the graphics on the Wii and 360 aren't that that far apart. I looked at the user reviews and they were a bit more intelligent. Also, the posts in this topic seem a lot more intelligent then those coming from the Gamefaqs boards.

So should I wait 6 months for the 360 version or just buy the Wii version?

And I guess a bit more on topic, it just seems like such a bandwagon thing to do now, is rate every Sonic game a low score now :/ just because it isn't Sonic 3 & Knuckles, or Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or Sonic CD. I've seen gameplay videos and they look fantastic. :D


Omega_Phazon_Pirate. said:
Well, I wasn't sure what to do. I'm buying a 360 this coming May after exams are finished. And I was thinking of buying Sonic Unleashed for the Wii now, or buying it later for the 360. When I go to gamefaqs, on the message boards all people do is bash the Wii version and praise the 360 version. Hell, I got flamed just for saying the graphics on the Wii and 360 aren't that that far apart. I looked at the user reviews and they were a bit more intelligent. Also, the posts in this topic seem a lot more intelligent then those coming from the Gamefaqs boards.

So should I wait 6 months for the 360 version or just buy the Wii version?

And I guess a bit more on topic, it just seems like such a bandwagon thing to do now, is rate every Sonic game a low score now :/ just because it isn't Sonic 3 & Knuckles, or Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or Sonic CD. I've seen gameplay videos and they look fantastic. :D

that last point you got bang on. Werehog levels don't play like Sonic 2 and hence are blasphemy.

My advice is to get the Wii version now. The grphics are not far appart and arent that different at all on an SDTV. If you're gaming at 720p or above, the graphics are noticably different but they don't ruin the experience for the Wii owner as Wii graphics are excellent compared to other wii games. The Wii gets better controls too... I'm playing it on the 360 for the following reasons

1. Achievemnts

2. 1080p

3. Friends who pop in and out and want to play other games

Otherwise the games are equally enjoyable on both systems.


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[post deleted, ignore]


Eh, I'm not touching it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Crap double post, any way to delete that?

And I do play on an SDTV. And I guess my last question, which is the better control scheme for the Wii version? Playing on a Gamecube controller or with the Wiimote and Nunchuck?


Omega_Phazon_Pirate. said:
Crap double post, any way to delete that?

And I do play on an SDTV. And I guess my last question, which is the better control scheme for the Wii version? Playing on a Gamecube controller or with the Wiimote and Nunchuck?

Id go with Wii mote. its not relaly different much in my opinion. GC controller is a great option to if you play with it you may as well wait for the 360 version.


IGN went as far as to say that this game makes the previous sonic games look good.. now if that aint bias i dont know wht is..

sonic the hedgehog, shadow are terrible terrible games that should have nver been created.. sonic heroes was average at best..

im gonna get this for the 360

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business