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Its not displayed on my gamercard because my 360 has been at work for the last 4 or 5 days, but let me tell you this, Sonic unleashed on 360 in my eyes is a great game, IGN really dropped the ball this time by giving it such a low score. the warehog levels are not half as bad as what some people were making out, i have completed the 1st continent and im half way through the 2nd so of course this is by no means a full review but let me tell you that the sonic levels i have played so far are fantastic. The snowy level in Holoska has to be seen, it looks amazing, and let me also tell you this, Once you press the boost button whilst your running with sonic he goes so fast that your eyes will bleed.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my opinion based on what i have played so far i would give Sonic unleashed easily an 8.5/10