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Well, I wasn't sure what to do. I'm buying a 360 this coming May after exams are finished. And I was thinking of buying Sonic Unleashed for the Wii now, or buying it later for the 360. When I go to gamefaqs, on the message boards all people do is bash the Wii version and praise the 360 version. Hell, I got flamed just for saying the graphics on the Wii and 360 aren't that that far apart. I looked at the user reviews and they were a bit more intelligent. Also, the posts in this topic seem a lot more intelligent then those coming from the Gamefaqs boards.

So should I wait 6 months for the 360 version or just buy the Wii version?

And I guess a bit more on topic, it just seems like such a bandwagon thing to do now, is rate every Sonic game a low score now :/ just because it isn't Sonic 3 & Knuckles, or Sonic the Hedgehog 2 or Sonic CD. I've seen gameplay videos and they look fantastic. :D