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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Kingdom hearts 2 producer, interested in the xbox 360

So nobody thinks that the producer of Kingdom Hearts 2 ,who may or may not work on Kingdom Hearts 3, was justed named that way cause nobody know who he is?? Like: that's Klaas Jan Huntelaar... most people will say: "Who???" then I say: football player for Real Madrid.. You go like: "Aaaahh.. him..." for like reference? Nobody?


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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NiKKoM said:
So nobody thinks that the producer of Kingdom Hearts 2 ,who may or may not work on Kingdom Hearts 3, was justed named that way cause nobody know who he is?? Like: that's Klaas Jan Huntelaar... most people will say: "Who???" then I say: football player for Real Madrid.. You go like: "Aaaahh.. him..." for like reference? Nobody?

Not really a fair example, I mean, he hasn't even walked onto the pitch for them yet. (Not the point I know, but I didn't know who the guy was until I remembered Ajax).

Anyway, my stance has always been I want KH3 to be either PS3 and/or 360 timed exclusive, but if it went to the Wii, I'm covered for that aswell (though i'd curse every minute of it).


Kingdom Hearts 3 system debate #56323567876543234567

At least most of the fanboy statements have died down, Nomura is a PS3 fanboy, I know him in person he told me it's going to be on PS3...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Kingdom Hearts 3 system debate #56323567876543234567

At least most of the fanboy statements have died down, Nomura is a PS3 fanboy, I know him in person he told me it's going to be on PS3... <_< but really people keep forgetting SE is a business they go where they can make money, MS offered money so they could get their Japanese sales up, though IU and LR have had lack luster sales though boosted japanese console sales to a point. I find it very obvious SE nor Disney would risk one of their biggest franchises like this, new IPs are fine, but just like FFXIII there are no risks involved if they're putting that much time and money into it it's going to make them money and that's where the multiplats come in.

SE does like making exclusives though and now that they see how the console sales are going (much like DS vs PSP) they can put exclusives on each console tailored to each consoles demographic, PSP owners are the FFVII crowd so what happened? Crisis Core! DS owners are the older group/people that like new ideas, what happened? The World ends with you and ground up remakes of Final Fantasy 3 and 4 and now Dragon Quest 9. What does this mean for consoles? Wii will have exclusives tailored to it's demographic which would be Disney/KH fans, PS3 being the core FF fans, 360 liking newer RPG styles so many new IPs for this console. It makes good sense that it's the ways things are going to go in the future.


you do realize 360 is gettin FF, and SO. It makes good sense if KH3 comes on over.

Uhm yes I do as I stated they didn't want to take risks with the series which is why both PS3 and 360 are getting it especially after putting so much money into it, but in the future they can plan out their budgets a bit better then what they did for XIII cause they assumed PS3 would sell much better then it did, plus XIII is still exclusive in Japan as well as the XIII spin-offs so your point is rather moot.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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3.It doesn't mean crap when there's raw numbers to argue with. 2 million is a huge number last time I checked, with no quality third party Wii releases this year. Let's say KH3 releases on the 360 in one situation and it releases on the Wii as another. Both exclusives. Let's say the 360 version sells more, but only by a few 100k. Development cost, marketing and such would be much higher on the 360 right? In this case, the Wii has more chance to make more money than the 360 with less hardships. Also see #5.

Still, just because it managed to sell Gears or something well is no guarantee KH as well as the Wii especially considering demographics. Be honest now...indivdually, would a KH game more on the Wii than the 360 especially considering the demographics again?

Actually it would cost more to market on the Wii than on for either or both the HD consoles. The Wii has a much wider demographic so targeting them would be much more difficult, and more expensive. Third parties don't hate the Wii, they just know that advertising to such a demographic would be inefficient use of their money. As the marketing effort for such an I.P would be huge, it would make the development cost differences moot.

As for demographics, on the 360 you have a userbase which will soon have 4 RPG games selling over 2 million copies, will be familiar or introduced to the FF universe and has a voracious appetite for games. Im pretty sure it'll do well.



NiKKoM said:
So nobody thinks that the producer of Kingdom Hearts 2 ,who may or may not work on Kingdom Hearts 3, was justed named that way cause nobody know who he is?? Like: that's Klaas Jan Huntelaar... most people will say: "Who???" then I say: football player for Real Madrid.. You go like: "Aaaahh.. him..." for like reference? Nobody?

Dont mess with "The Hunter". We'll miss him dearly (just like Wesley Sneijder and Rafael vd Vaart). Ajax 4Life!

you do realize 360 is gettin FF, and SO. It makes good sense if KH3 comes on over.

You do realize that Wii has none of the big series, despite having the biggest userbase and that it makes sense for SE to spread its biggest series?

And to everyone raving about attach rates and successes again:

The two best sold console RPGs in Japan this gen are on Wii. Dragon Quest Swords (a crappy spin-off) and Tales of Symphonia 2 (a spin off). Hmm, something tells me that if these games sold, MAIN SERIES will definitely sell. Oh, and you can bet SE wants a piece of the Wii cake. Especially with Marvelous and Namco pushing JRPGs hard on the platform and with Monster Hunter 3 clearly assuring a lot of core gamers will get a Wii.

And yeah, I know this is Japan, but that's half of KH sales.



BengaBenga said:
NiKKoM said:
So nobody thinks that the producer of Kingdom Hearts 2 ,who may or may not work on Kingdom Hearts 3, was justed named that way cause nobody know who he is?? Like: that's Klaas Jan Huntelaar... most people will say: "Who???" then I say: football player for Real Madrid.. You go like: "Aaaahh.. him..." for like reference? Nobody?

Dont mess with "The Hunter". We'll miss him dearly (just like Wesley Sneijder and Rafael vd Vaart). Ajax 4Life!

you do realize 360 is gettin FF, and SO. It makes good sense if KH3 comes on over.

You do realize that Wii has none of the big series, despite having the biggest userbase and that it makes sense for SE to spread its biggest series?

And to everyone raving about attach rates and successes again:

The two best sold console RPGs in Japan this gen are on Wii. Dragon Quest Swords (a crappy spin-off) and Tales of Symphonia 2 (a spin off). Hmm, something tells me that if these games sold, MAIN SERIES will definitely sell. Oh, and you can bet SE wants a piece of the Wii cake. Especially with Marvelous and Namco pushing JRPGs hard on the platform and with Monster Hunter 3 clearly assuring a lot of core gamers will get a Wii.

And yeah, I know this is Japan, but that's half of KH sales.



The best selling RPGs are on the Xbox 360 actually. Fable II, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect.

Anyway a correction: KH1 sold 3:1 between Americas and Japan, KH2 was 2:1, and japan as a console market isn't nearly as strong as it was last generation.



Squilliam said:
BengaBenga said:
NiKKoM said:
So nobody thinks that the producer of Kingdom Hearts 2 ,who may or may not work on Kingdom Hearts 3, was justed named that way cause nobody know who he is?? Like: that's Klaas Jan Huntelaar... most people will say: "Who???" then I say: football player for Real Madrid.. You go like: "Aaaahh.. him..." for like reference? Nobody?

Dont mess with "The Hunter". We'll miss him dearly (just like Wesley Sneijder and Rafael vd Vaart). Ajax 4Life!

you do realize 360 is gettin FF, and SO. It makes good sense if KH3 comes on over.

You do realize that Wii has none of the big series, despite having the biggest userbase and that it makes sense for SE to spread its biggest series?

And to everyone raving about attach rates and successes again:

The two best sold console RPGs in Japan this gen are on Wii. Dragon Quest Swords (a crappy spin-off) and Tales of Symphonia 2 (a spin off). Hmm, something tells me that if these games sold, MAIN SERIES will definitely sell. Oh, and you can bet SE wants a piece of the Wii cake. Especially with Marvelous and Namco pushing JRPGs hard on the platform and with Monster Hunter 3 clearly assuring a lot of core gamers will get a Wii.

And yeah, I know this is Japan, but that's half of KH sales.



The best selling RPGs are on the Xbox 360 actually. Fable II, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect.

Anyway a correction: KH1 sold 3:1 between Americas and Japan, KH2 was 2:1, and japan as a console market isn't nearly as strong as it was last generation.



What about "in Japan" is so tough to understand?

And comparing JRPGs with WRPGs is totally irrelevant, since they're not the same genre. They coincidentally share the same name, but they're quite different.

I can promise you that SE won't look at Mass Effect for a sales projection, but rather to Tales.

+1 for Benga
-1 for Squilliam

and as for me I get ignored again :'(

Oh Maxwell you make good points about trends in SE's development process you say? Me: Well yes I did, how did everyone take it? Well they just didn't care what you had to say... Me: *cry*

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000