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3.It doesn't mean crap when there's raw numbers to argue with. 2 million is a huge number last time I checked, with no quality third party Wii releases this year. Let's say KH3 releases on the 360 in one situation and it releases on the Wii as another. Both exclusives. Let's say the 360 version sells more, but only by a few 100k. Development cost, marketing and such would be much higher on the 360 right? In this case, the Wii has more chance to make more money than the 360 with less hardships. Also see #5.

Still, just because it managed to sell Gears or something well is no guarantee KH as well as the Wii especially considering demographics. Be honest now...indivdually, would a KH game more on the Wii than the 360 especially considering the demographics again?

Actually it would cost more to market on the Wii than on for either or both the HD consoles. The Wii has a much wider demographic so targeting them would be much more difficult, and more expensive. Third parties don't hate the Wii, they just know that advertising to such a demographic would be inefficient use of their money. As the marketing effort for such an I.P would be huge, it would make the development cost differences moot.

As for demographics, on the 360 you have a userbase which will soon have 4 RPG games selling over 2 million copies, will be familiar or introduced to the FF universe and has a voracious appetite for games. Im pretty sure it'll do well.

