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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Its the Year of 2020.....

No. All gaming consoles will have gotten to the point where they can't be improved upon anymore. Gamers will get sick of playing the same old games, and stop gaming. Games will be dead.

It might not happen by 2020, but it's gonna happen at some point.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

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of course those companys will keep making consoles... sonys ps4 will still be being sold by then, and the ps5, wii 3, xbox 1080 (or whatever lol) will only just have come out not long ago.

Respect for compans: SONY > NINTENDO >>>>>>>>>> MICROSOFT


whacker41 said:
No. All gaming consoles will have gotten to the point where they can't be improved upon anymore. Gamers will get sick of playing the same old games, and stop gaming. Games will be dead.

It might not happen by 2020, but it's gonna happen at some point.


That's why they'll come up with something new and innovating like virtual reality, it'll take many years to master that. Or maybe even something similar to what they have in the PS9 could happen (many many years down the road).

Consoles are not going to be around forever though I predict they'll move to something else after the next (8th) generation, they might go portable or like I said above virtual reality I dunno, the skies the limit.

Gaming will be forever.

whacker41 said:
No. All gaming consoles will have gotten to the point where they can't be improved upon anymore. Gamers will get sick of playing the same old games, and stop gaming. Games will be dead.

It might not happen by 2020, but it's gonna happen at some point.


Like how viewers are tired of movies and tv shows.


@Giglamesh- Then what happens after virutal reality and when portables become the main gaming systems? If the sky is the limit, but Gaming has to reach the sky at some point.

@Senis- Fair point. Though honestly, i still can't see people playing the same old games foever. For example, have you seen the reviews of Animal crossing wii? It didn't get great scores mostly due to it being virtually the same as other games in the series. So, i can only presume that if nintendo kept rehashing the gameplay in future installments with next to no improvements, then the critic scores would continue to go down (which hopefully wont happen). It would eventually get boring, and gamers would stop playing it. Now, if this applys to Animal crossing, then why shouldn't it apply to gaming in general?

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

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whacker41 said:
@Giglamesh- Then what happens after virutal reality and when portables become the main gaming systems? If the sky is the limit, but Gaming has to reach the sky at some point.

@Senis- Fair point. Though honestly, i still can't see people playing the same old games foever. For example, have you seen the reviews of Animal crossing wii? It didn't get great scores mostly due to it being virtually the same as other games in the series. So, i can only presume that if nintendo kept rehashing the gameplay in future installments with next to no improvements, then the critic scores would continue to go down (which hopefully wont happen). It would eventually get boring, and gamers would stop playing it. Now, if this applys to Animal crossing, then why shouldn't it apply to gaming in general?

I read a article a few months ago about this subject, about what's going to happen to video games in the future, it's really interesting, the writer is talking about what could happen to gaming in like a hundred years and it's just interesting about what he comes up with, I'll try to find the article.

It's the year 1940, and films will have been forgotten...

Do you believe Universal, MGM, and Disney will still be around?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Gaming will still be around. I could see MS exiting if the next xbox does do well and I could see Sony dumping the gaming business if they can't make the numbers add. Nintendo is 120yrs old (either this year or next) so having lasted that long I think they could last another decade. Gaming will be here, but probably not as we currently know it. Hopefully it won't be the scapegoat for bad parenting anymore as well.

Manchester United 2008-09 Season - Trophies & Records

Barclays Premier League 2008-09: 1st // UEFA Champions League 2008-09: Finals (Yet To Play) // FIFA Club World Cup: Winners // UEFA Super Cup: Runners-up // FA Cup: Semi-Finals // League (Carling) Cup: Winners // FA (Charity) Community Shield: Winners
Records: First British Team To Win FIFA Club World Cup, New Record for No. Of Consecutive Clean Sheets In Premier League, New English & British League Records for Minutes Without Conceding, New Record For Going Undeafeated In Champions League (25 games ongoing), First British Team To Beat FC Porto In Portugal, First Club To Defeat Arsenal At The Emirates In European Competition, First Team In English League Football History To Win 3 Titles Back To Back On Two Seperate Ocassions
thekitchensink said:
It's the year 1940, and films will have been forgotten...

Do you believe Universal, MGM, and Disney will still be around?


see. that's the thing with technology, it really has no practicle upper limit. Take communications tech for example. first, you had yelling. then someone invented writing and you could send a message. same with smoke signals. Then, someone invented an electric generator and you had the telegraph and telephone. Then, someone discovered how to control electromagnetic radiation and you have radio and TV. But, you couldn't get it to travel for a long distance. then someone invented the liquid-fueled rocket and you have communications satelites. But you still couldn't manipulate the data or easily send stuff like documents and/or diagrams. then someone invented the computer and the internet.....

What I'm saying is, there's pretty much always going to be another thing you can do/try. I can think of a few, such as a Star Trek-style holodeck, that will take at least a couple hundred years to implement, so I don't think we'll hit the 'roof' on gaming anytime soon.




Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

I think gaming will be a more important industry economically and culturally than movies, tv, or music at that point. I have no clue what the landscape will look like as far as what the active companies will be, judging by how radically things can change in hardware/software industries over the course of decades, though.  However, I'm fairly sure Nintendo will still be around in some form or another.

(Nitendo is still my favorite of all 3..even though I'm not a big fan of the Wii library up to this point ;) )