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@Giglamesh- Then what happens after virutal reality and when portables become the main gaming systems? If the sky is the limit, but Gaming has to reach the sky at some point.

@Senis- Fair point. Though honestly, i still can't see people playing the same old games foever. For example, have you seen the reviews of Animal crossing wii? It didn't get great scores mostly due to it being virtually the same as other games in the series. So, i can only presume that if nintendo kept rehashing the gameplay in future installments with next to no improvements, then the critic scores would continue to go down (which hopefully wont happen). It would eventually get boring, and gamers would stop playing it. Now, if this applys to Animal crossing, then why shouldn't it apply to gaming in general?

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison