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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Do You Think The 360's Sales Explosion Has Extended Its Life?

-General_Ram- said:
They will sell it 1 day longer then PS3.

just because it will sell one day longer than the ps3 doesn't mean that they won't release a new console. the ps2 is still selling, for crying out loud.

i hope it will last longer than shorter. game is just getting too expensive.


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honestly both systems i think will see very similar life spans...while i don't believe the 360 will the flagship system for microsoft for 10 years or whatnot i do believe they won't just kill it off upon release of its successor as they did with the original xbox...i'm sure they saw the big numbers the ps2 has still put up all years and will attempt to follow suit

-General_Ram- said:
They will sell it 1 day longer then PS3.


does that mean it will die one year before PS3 dies, to make it exactly one day longer than ps3, since 360 has 1 year head start :P

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I don't know if it has effected the X720's launch...It's very unlikely.

However, a bigger userbase will ALWAYS mean a console is supported longer into it's lifespan. Look at the PS2 - it still gets titles, while the Xbox and Gamecube are effectively dead in the water.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Microsoft is good at copying other companies.  They are going to look at Nintendo as the model and try to launch a casual friendly machine with a price point of $250-300.  The only way they can do this is to delay the launch of their next machine.  Being first on the market didn't help the Dreamcast.  In the time between the nextbox they will add motion controls to reinvigorate the 360 and sell a killer app (ie Wii sports)  that is bundled with the new controls.  

MS should be paying me a consulting fee.  :)

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I don't think it will extend the 360's life but it may shorten the PS3's.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


No, I think M$ still wants to be first to market next-gen as well to gain momentum so the 360'll probably stay but I still expect their new console soon

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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

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i think 2011 sounds about right for the next xbox system, hopefully they wont have 3 different models and maybe have just 2 instead.





I would tend to agree with the ps2 point.

After all why not have 2 consoles making money for you.





I hope that it has. For the last 15 years I have had every console the week it came out. If the next gen starts in 2011 I will have a hard time seeing the need to purchase one. The systems on the market right now have way to much potential. With the media moving closer and closer to main stream the generational gaps are going to have to grow. Just as people would not move to a new movie format every five years, they are not going to move to new gaming systems every five years.

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