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Forums - Sony Discussion - If you know anything about RPGs, enter here.

I was at the store, about to buy a quick game, but then I thought about what would happen if I came home and it was a turd. So I held off on my purchase and decided to ask you guys. These were the PS2 games I was looking at:

hack.// (confusing)

Xenosaga I-III

Dark Cloud 1 or 2

FF X-2

EDIT: I also saw the Sukodien PS2 games there 

I saw Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GC, but I was told it was pretty lacking.

So which RPGs should I get for the PS2 listed here ( or not listed here)? I was close to getting the 1st Xenosaga, but decided against it.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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FFX-2 is complete garbage. It's somewhere along the level of FF: Mystic Quest for the SNES.

FFCC for the Gamecube isn't bad if you have three friends to play it with, otherwise don't waste your time.

As for what one you should get: FFVI, preferably for the GBA and then go ahead and pick Chrono Trigger DS while you're at it (you can get both of those for the PS1 and play them on your Ps2 but they are the worst versions of both games).

From your list I loved DC 1-2 The most. Especially Dark Cloud 2.

Of the one's listed I say get Dark Cloud 2.

Other than that get Xenosaga.

.hack really isn't worth it unless you buy all four games.

and FFX-2's plot seems like it was written by a bunch of cheerleaders who were on crack.

X-2 is not garbage, it just does not compare favourably to X

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I have to agree with Munkeh111 FFX-2 is not garbage it just feels like SE picked up a 13 year old girl from Akihabara and asked what she would like to see in a FF game.

Munkeh111 said:
X-2 is not garbage, it just does not compare favourably to X


No, it really is garbage.  Well, unless you love Brittney Spears and the Jonas Brothers then it might appeal to you but to most people think it's garbage.  Actually, I don't even know if I would dirty garbage's name by comparing FFX-2 to it...

Munkeh111 said:
X-2 is not garbage, it just does not compare favourably to X


Dark Cloud is the one to go for... followed closely by Xenosaga.

But if you don't have SMT: Nocturne or Persona 3 (well, soon, 4) then you go for these first! now! if you have any extra money get Digital Devil Saga. Great story, challenging gameplay.


Dark Cloud 1 & 2.

4 ≈ One

Xenosaga 1-3. Easily.