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Forums - Sony Discussion - CONFIRMED! Uncharted 2:Among thieves




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Wow, I don't even own a PS3 and I'm very happy about this :)

Alright, the Sub-Title only can mean one thing:






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I wonder if ND also has a project for the psp??? Every big ps3 exclusives have their portable version (MGS, motorstorm, resistance, lbp, ...). I wonder if a portable uncharted would exist! Or even better, a portable uncharted with only elena fisher in an adventure that makes the link between uncharted one and two!

But I got enough with this news, all I wanted was the action to take place in the mountains and I got it! But I just wanna say something to ND team: NO uncharted racing game !!!

JA!! JAAAA!! JAAAAAAAAAA!!! Næste år bliver så fedt!

Sorry, I had to get that out. Fucking sweet is what this is, I am so hyped by this!



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Good that such good game like uncharted have sold well enough to get a sequel.

So! I have been looking through the teaser (over and over and over and over and...) and I can't understand why nobody has talked about how bad his condition is.
Sure, he is alive. But he is bleeding from his left side, and when he drops in the snow, blood drops as well. His right arm/hand seems pretty bad too.
From this, I will say to all the people with the "no warm clothes in a snowstorm?" question, I don't think he intended on getting out there without the proper equipment, and not at all in a condition where he seems to have been beaten pretty badly.
But fortune favors the bold, right?

And I think it's a great touch that ND gave Drake a beard, shows a bit of change.


Yeah I agree with the beard lol ^^ I think this uncharted will be much more dramatic than the first one... I hope there won't be any zombies at least ...

YES!!!! I hope this game makes it in the first half of 09.

People: let's bring this game into the most VGChartz most wanted.

Rainbird said:
JA!! JAAAA!! JAAAAAAAAAA!!! Næste år bliver så fedt!

Sorry, I had to get that out. Fucking sweet is what this is, I am so hyped by this!




wot, your danish ? where you from :p


Also, .. day after teaster release.. baby !.. XD .. only 12 days to go till the exclusive :D

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