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Forums - Sales Discussion - Call Of Duty : World At War (COD5) KILLED Resistance 2 Sales!!

reask said:
darthdevidem01 said:
reask said:
In all fairness this game was been hyped as the ps3 gears of war so you have to ask youself what did happen.

I mean cod5 didnt do gears any harm.

Not trying to troll but facts are facts.

GEOW 2 is a TPS....there is no comparison whatsoever.

these two games are FPS's



Lets not cut straws here fps tps Sony was putting this game up against gears.

 I am just pointing out the fact.

I am not saying one is better than the other as I have not played rfom but the op was about sales.

Sony never put RESISTANCE 2 up against gears 2..fanboys did.



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Shadowblind said:

Its not bundled, so its not gonna do as well as R1. To most people, it seems, Resistence is just another FPS series.


 Most people being people that dont own resistance 2? R2 is by far a better game than WaW, so if you call R2 another FPS then its fine by me, I  know for a fact you have never even played resistance in your life. You constantly troll the sony forums as well.


FPSrules said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I had said this many weeks ago & now reality is coming knocking up our doors.

Call Of Duty : World At War has managed to cross 1 Million on the Ps3 in a matter of 2 weeks....almost making it within the first week...

it ranks as I believe the 3rd or 4th biggest launch of a Ps3 game ever....right behind MGS4.

A week earlier Resistance 2 is launched and comes out to comparatively mediocre sales.

Now in UK....Resistance 2 in its DEBUT week CHARTED BELOW COD:WAW in its 2nd week.

Also in UK -- Resistance 2 debuted to sales of 2/3 BELOw Resistance 1's week 1....this is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C as Resistance 1's week 1 was in PS3's launch week!!

NA -- COD : WAW has managed to do in its FIRST WEEK in sales (390K) what Resistance 2 has still failed to do by its 4th week (only at 360K)

EU -- who knows what will happen here....if it follows UK's trend very worrying for Resistance 2.

So why has a sequel to a title which sold 3.6 Million not done well (Resistance wasn't bundled heavily).

Because of COD4 is my answer....COD4 led to COD becoming a mainstream monster & now people think COD = quality (which it actually may as metacritic wise COD:WAW>>R2)

Resistance 1 never had COD4 to compete COD5 has become the GTA 4 that managed to halt Saints Row 2's relative success.


SONY could've never predicted Call Of Duty will negatively affect R2....well it just has.

Thank God Killzone 2 is miles away from a release of a Call Of Duty


ok this is redicious, your bascially saying that codwaw is better than resistance 2 based on sales. resistance 2 just got released in europe, and they having supply shortages, not to mention those sales are only american sales, and we all know ps3 games sell better other places in the world thats not america.

im tired of ppl like you judging a game based only on sales, i own both games, and codwaw sucks ass. its has the most boring campaign i ever played. most of my friends already gave up beating the game, and its not that they suck, the campaign is boring and hard. and they all agree resistance 2 is a much better game

Don't bash a great game only for the reason that you like Resistance a lot more.

Saying "codwaw sucks ass" makes you sound retarded. The campaign is very good maybe even the best of the series (but behind CoD4 IMO)


It's because Resistance 1 was basically a launch game and wasn't all that great to begin with.


leo-j said:
reask said:
darthdevidem01 said:
reask said:
In all fairness this game was been hyped as the ps3 gears of war so you have to ask youself what did happen.

I mean cod5 didnt do gears any harm.

Not trying to troll but facts are facts.

GEOW 2 is a TPS....there is no comparison whatsoever.

these two games are FPS's



Lets not cut straws here fps tps Sony was putting this game up against gears.

 I am just pointing out the fact.

I am not saying one is better than the other as I have not played rfom but the op was about sales.

Sony never put RESISTANCE 2 up against gears 2..fanboys did.


Yeah right leo.

Then why did MS say they had no problem going up against resistance 2.







Around the Network
SamuelRSmith said:
kowenicki said:
@ skee.. I thougth Tesco were abandoning the PS3 they have online recently havent they?


 Click on the buy it now link:

SamuelRSmith said:
darthdevidem01 said:

COD4 launch will be COD3 sold only 780K on PS3...

COD4 has legs,.....amazing legs!


 I'll ignore the terrible tenses for now, but the point I was trying to make (but I didn't specifically state) is that most games on the PS3 aren't heavily front loaded, sure, you get your ultra huge franchises such as MGS, and GTA, and your yearly titles which are heavily front loaded (which CoD could go on to be), but most of the time, the games are slow-burners, they start off with quite weak sales (surely people remember the Uncharted, Ratchet, and Heavenly Sword doom 'n' gloom threads), but they build up into million sellers in the end, and in the case of Uncharted, multi-million sellers (though scraping).

Resistance is not Sony's Halo. Sure, they were both launch FPSs... but the difference was in the quality. Halo was perceived to be an awesome game from day one, not only that, but Microsoft had no other IPs - Masterchief became Microsoft's Mario. This attracted the FPS fans to the Xbox, and that's why the Xbox got the name of the "FPS console" (Microsoft did a brilliant job removing that stigma from the 360, btw, not even the most rabid of fanboys use that anymore).

The truth is, Sony will never have its own Halo... the fans of the Playstation are fans from many different gaming angles. I, myself, am a platforming/adventure fan, though I do play other games, other Playstation gamers are sports fans, or RPG fans, or beat-'em-up fans. Sony can't have its own Halo, because not enough of its fans are FPS gamers, Sony will never have its own Mario, because there aren't enough platforming fans (sure, Crash got close in the PS1 days).

This is one of the reasons why Sony will struggle this gen to get many 5 million + sellers. The last real hope is GT, but the fanbase for that has been attacked on two fronts - the casual fanbase have moved away from the Playstation to the Xbox and Wii, and some of the more hardcore racing sim fans might have found love with Forza on the Xbox (don't flame or quote me for this, I'm not making a prediction).

I'll pose one question - do you think Sony even have the funds anymore to try and market a new franchise as a Halo-killer... a Halo-killer will need a Halo-killing marketing plan... with Halo-marketing-budget-killing levels of money, can Sony really afford something this risky, especially giving the current state of the economy, and Sony itself, in particular.

Maybe these sony games didn't actually sell that much ? Crazy , i know, since sony games seem to sell like crazy when they have dropped off the software charts of every country in the world but stil....


their whole games bit is coming up messed up....

not just the PS3 bit..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

coming up as "page unavailable"

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Mistershine said:
SamuelRSmith said:
kowenicki said:
@ skee.. I thougth Tesco were abandoning the PS3 they have online recently havent they?


 Click on the buy it now link:


 Haha! The games pages for are just shit, I think the killed it off when they brought out Tesco direct, but didn't remove all the pages, type thing.