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Forums - Sales Discussion - Call Of Duty : World At War (COD5) KILLED Resistance 2 Sales!!

hayeya_k said:
Summary: Why in the hell did sony release Resistance 2 in the same time frame as Call of duty ??? i mean most peolpe i know preffered COD over resistance (most are low on cash, so they chose one game),,, at least delay it for 2 weeks or release early


It's not like they could honestly release it any later, I mean, this is the last week you should release your game for the holidays. As for earlier, that, I'm not sure about.

Around the Network
Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Yeah, and internet killed the video star, so what?

If it's any help, CoD WaW will probably outsell Gears 2, as well.

Combined PS3 and 360 sales - yes it will.

PS3 only sales - no

360 only sales - tough call... probably not


 The 360 version is only a million behind it, and CoD4 did better than Gears1 on 360. WaW 360 is currently doing better than CoD4 360 at respective points in time.

Out of interest, I also looked up the sales of a few other titles on the PS3 that had slow launches but went on to do quite well:

Ratchet and Clank - 130,000 first week (less than R2), 1.43 million lifetime.
Uncharted - 135,000 first week (less than R2), 2 million sales lifetime.
Heavenly Sword - 106,000 first week (less than R2) 1.23 million lifetime
Need for Speed Pro Street - 180,000 first week (less than R2), 1.41 million lifetime.

FPSs tend to do better than these games, as they appeal to a greater audience, also the online component will attract new players for a while, and DLC could attract new players and bring in extra revenue for it (needless to say, it won't be a financial loss).

R2 did 270,000 first week without Others, CoD4 did  445,000 including others first week (~265,000 without others)

PDF said:
reask said:
In all fairness this game was been hyped as the ps3 gears of war so you have to ask youself what did happen.

I mean cod5 didnt do gears any harm.

Not trying to troll but facts are facts.


Internet hype honestly never means it will have good sales.  It needs mainstream hype which COD has and R2 doesnt.


I fully agree with you on that point.

I will say again I am not trolling as this is not a gears thread but to make the point I will say this.


Resistance like Gears was the big launch game on either console.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Sony should have hyped this like MS hyped Gears.

I see LPB ads FIFA ads Singstar ads but no rfom ads, why?






COD4 launch will be COD3 sold only 780K on PS3...

COD4 has legs,.....amazing legs!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

SamuelRSmith said:
Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Yeah, and internet killed the video star, so what?

If it's any help, CoD WaW will probably outsell Gears 2, as well.

Combined PS3 and 360 sales - yes it will.

PS3 only sales - no

360 only sales - tough call... probably not

The 360 version is only a million behind it, and CoD4 did better than Gears1 on 360. WaW 360 is currently doing better than CoD4 360 at respective points in time.

Out of interest, I also looked up the sales of a few other titles on the PS3 that had slow launches but went on to do quite well:

Ratchet and Clank - 130,000 first week (less than R2), 1.43 million lifetime.
Uncharted - 135,000 first week (less than R2), 2 million sales lifetime.
Heavenly Sword - 106,000 first week (less than R2) 1.23 million lifetime
Need for Speed Pro Street - 180,000 first week (less than R2), 1.41 million lifetime.

FPSs tend to do better than these games, as they appeal to a greater audience, also the online component will attract new players for a while, and DLC could attract new players and bring in extra revenue for it (needless to say, it won't be a financial loss).

R2 did 270,000 first week without Others, CoD4 did 445,000 including others first week (~265,000 without others)

CoD4 was easily the best shooter last year, that's where those sales came from. CoD:WAW won't have those amazing lags. I think it will not reach 6 million units on 360. Gears 2 maybe has a chance.

Around the Network
darthdevidem01 said:

COD4 launch will be COD3 sold only 780K on PS3...

COD4 has legs,.....amazing legs!


COD4 is probably the best FPS made so far this generation.  So of course it had legs.  I still like its online much better than COD5, Gears 1/2, R1/2.


Will World at War have the same legs Modern Warefar did?  I personally don't see it hapening but stranger things have happend.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




PS3 owners dont buy games, thats the bottom line.

darthdevidem01 said:

COD4 launch will be COD3 sold only 780K on PS3...

COD4 has legs,.....amazing legs!


 I'll ignore the terrible tenses for now, but the point I was trying to make (but I didn't specifically state) is that most games on the PS3 aren't heavily front loaded, sure, you get your ultra huge franchises such as MGS, and GTA, and your yearly titles which are heavily front loaded (which CoD could go on to be), but most of the time, the games are slow-burners, they start off with quite weak sales (surely people remember the Uncharted, Ratchet, and Heavenly Sword doom 'n' gloom threads), but they build up into million sellers in the end, and in the case of Uncharted, multi-million sellers (though scraping).

Resistance is not Sony's Halo. Sure, they were both launch FPSs... but the difference was in the quality. Halo was perceived to be an awesome game from day one, not only that, but Microsoft had no other IPs - Masterchief became Microsoft's Mario. This attracted the FPS fans to the Xbox, and that's why the Xbox got the name of the "FPS console" (Microsoft did a brilliant job removing that stigma from the 360, btw, not even the most rabid of fanboys use that anymore).

The truth is, Sony will never have its own Halo... the fans of the Playstation are fans from many different gaming angles. I, myself, am a platforming/adventure fan, though I do play other games, other Playstation gamers are sports fans, or RPG fans, or beat-'em-up fans. Sony can't have its own Halo, because not enough of its fans are FPS gamers, Sony will never have its own Mario, because there aren't enough platforming fans (sure, Crash got close in the PS1 days).

This is one of the reasons why Sony will struggle this gen to get many 5 million + sellers. The last real hope is GT, but the fanbase for that has been attacked on two fronts - the casual fanbase have moved away from the Playstation to the Xbox and Wii, and some of the more hardcore racing sim fans might have found love with Forza on the Xbox (don't flame or quote me for this, I'm not making a prediction).

I'll pose one question - do you think Sony even have the funds anymore to try and market a new franchise as a Halo-killer... a Halo-killer will need a Halo-killing marketing plan... with Halo-marketing-budget-killing levels of money, can Sony really afford something this risky, especially giving the current state of the economy, and Sony itself, in particular.

reask said:
PDF said:
reask said:
In all fairness this game was been hyped as the ps3 gears of war so you have to ask youself what did happen.

I mean cod5 didnt do gears any harm.

Not trying to troll but facts are facts.


Internet hype honestly never means it will have good sales.  It needs mainstream hype which COD has and R2 doesnt.


I fully agree with you on that point.

I will say again I am not trolling as this is not a gears thread but to make the point I will say this.


Resistance like Gears was the big launch game on either console.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Sony should have hyped this like MS hyped Gears.

I see LPB ads FIFA ads Singstar ads but no rfom ads, why?

Two things:

1. It's anecdotal, but I've seen plenty of RFoM 2 ads on tv.

2. While Gears was the first 'OMGNEXTGEN' game on the 360 (and of the generation), the 360 was already a year old by the time it launched.  Hence why it was launched right alongside Resistance 1, and why all the comparisons are made.  Incidentally, the 360's biggest launch game was Call of Duty 2 XD


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Its not bundled, so its not gonna do as well as R1. To most people, it seems, Resistence is just another FPS series.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.