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Forums - Sony Discussion - I've given up on Sony taking 2nd place

RPG said:
~flame said:
RPG said:
Soriku said:
I always thought the PS3-360 war was stupid becsuse they get the exact same third party games anyway, with a FEW exceptions.


Yes lets completely ignore the first party developers of Sony and MS. :/


since when did 1st party games decide who wins the console war? SNES


Has PS3 lost all 3rd party support as well? Tell you what though, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and GOW 3 sure will sell a whole lot of hardware and software. R2, LBP and socom sure moved consoles...

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

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rukusa said:
"Did Nintendo's brand name help it come close to the PS2 during the Gamecube era?"

By- Nj5

Im pretty sure despite the huge gap the gamecube was in second place. Which is what he lead up to say that may happen for the PS3.

As far as I've read NJ5's post concerning sony's or PS's stance he's always trying to stomp any positive spirit about the PS brand down to the ground.

All I want to know is why?

Sorry, were you looking for any positive spirit about the PS brand in a thread entitled "I've given up on Sony taking 2nd place"?

I'm not here to satisfy anyone. I give my opinions on what will happen as best as I can tell. And no, I don't like Sony very much if it satisfies you to know that. I thought it was pretty obvious, but I don't mind spelling it out if it makes some happier.

On the other hand, it's not true that I don't ever saying anything positive about the PS. I have said long ago that the PS3 would get most important games in the generation. Even with Sony having a lot of trouble as a company right now, I still think it's likely that SCE and the PS3 will survive and there will be a PS4. Those are my realistic expectations.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Kzoellner said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Kzoellner said:
Also think about this. the box has had to basically pull out everything in its bag to keep competing with PS3. I mean hack and slash prices. using every game idea out there to take control. if ps3 dropped price with the game line up they have coming out M$ can only drop the price until they are broke to stay alive... The PS3 has not put up a bad fight. for only being two years old.


First and foremost, MS is never going to go broke over the 360.  They can give away 360s for $50 each and they'd do just fine...the Xbox divison is a very small piece of the MS empire.

But more importantly, don't discount price as a simple "gimmick".  In todays miserable credit market, price is as important as ever.

And I don't think anyone is saying that Sony is dead or second rate.  The PS3 is definitely the superior console... but it costs more than the competition and Sony doesn't have the ability to drop the PS3 much lower at the current moment.  I drive an Escalade, and the comfort and superior technology in it makes it a bargain to me... because I can afford to drop $60,000 on a vehicle and pay out the butt for insurance for it.  But it doesn't matter, because the average family can't... that's why they buy compact vehicles that get 30-miles to the gallon.

So I can argue with people all day long that the Escalade is a bargain for the buck, but they don't have the money to buy it so my arguement will fall on deaf ears... they'll still buy an sub-par, cheap sub-sompact.


congrats on your escalade????  Most of america before this time of troubles couldn't afford an escalade either.  Dude people have money.  If people who want to spend money they will.  This is not the great depression.  If i wanted to go out and buy an escalade i could too.  The choices people are making is on their own.  I never said microsoft would go broke.  I am saying if PS3 dropped the price microsoft will fight to the death it seems.    We all know that PS cannot drop the prices anymore.  



Cool deal, that just means that we are on the same page.

Like I've alway said... the PS3 is the better console in the technology arena (and really I think the $399 price is a bargain for what you get).   Most people however, don't want to spend that much to dip their feet into the entry waters of the PS3 world.  They will however spend about $200.00 to do the same in the XB360 world.

And don't discount the current economic crisis.  The great depression wasn't an overnight phenomenom either.  It took 3 years after the crash prior to the actual depression starting.

This credit crisis is a real threat to the economy.  I have 800+ FICO score, and keep a virual zero balance on my cards (always pay in full) but even my cards are not getting their credit increases like they were a year ago.  After the holiday season is over, it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Long story short, people want to spend less money... and really that is a rule that transcends economic troubles.  Yet, in a weak economic atmosphere it only becomes that much more important.  The consumer confidence levels are at the lowest they've been this decade, and that equates into people spending less money.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Well what do you propose we do, compare Wii sales to 360/PS3? If so this site will not last long at all.


SamuelRSmith said:
Brand power only has a small effect, and that's mainly on small, impulse buy products like Coca-Cola, brand power generally does not translate onto expensive items.

If it did, the world would still be driving around in a Ford.

Im afraid youre right.

Look, I guve my support to Sony. But seriously cant get over some of the most retarded things Ive heard their frontmen say & do during the start of this generation of consoles. They share ALOT of faults for the sour position they've gotten themselves into:

Ken Kutaragi - obviously had a developing state of megalomania being so convinced that whatecer Sony would do the public would swallow it deep and hard. Despite being positive about Sony I still shake my head in disbelief about stuff like "two-jobs-buy-a-PS3" Krazy Ken. He underestimated the rivals LARGELY something that nearly ran the SCEJ business to the ground.

Phil Harrison - The man greenlit, so many games that turned out to be HORRIBLE lacking alot of quality which he kept telling himself and the public, in denial was true. Catastrophies like LAIR, untold Kingdom, GENJI 2 Heavenly Sword, several of FPS's (he was fucking saturating the god damn market with this) ,HOME (god DAMN IT Phil *facepalm*) etc.. ONLY one out of all those shits was a gem which i still appreciate: LBP.

Otherwise both of the above completely LOST what their fanbase & target consumers demanded.

I think the only guy who can save SCEJ comes in FAR, FAR, FAR too late into the SCEJ management is Shuhei Yushida - the dude has displayed surprisingly alot of competence to me from what Ive seen him say. Plus he's alot more willing to admit that his rivals/competitors have a good job. Also considering he comes from the background as the third party software consultant/manager gives me alot of belief leading towards which games the fanbase will want. Thanks to him I see PSN developing faster and pushing the developers to make features come out for the PS3 gamers. He's a gamer himself and can associate with what gamers enjoy. He's the only guy at SCEI I have some ounce of faith to believe that he may sort things out for Sony. At least clean their bad rep among the hardcore gamers.


Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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Ok..... but what does the PS3 coming 2nd or 3rd have to do with which console you yourself personally play more???? What's the point in even mentioning that.... what ever happened to "it's all about the games"??

4 ≈ One


I'm with you.

RPG said:
Well what do you propose we do, compare Wii sales to 360/PS3? If so this site will not last long at all.


I don't think you really can compare them.  I think the Wii is in its own category.  It's all about the interactive gaming experience.

The 360 & PS3 are all about HD gaming... superior graphics & sound intergrated into traditional gaming.  Games that are ported from the PS3 to 360 or vice versa are generally the same all-in-all.  The Wii versions of the game always tend to get completely made over.

If there is any fight at all, it's between Sony & MS.  Nintendo's part in the war is a battle against itself.. atleast until next generation when Nintendo releases an HD Wii.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


RPG said:
Soriku said:
RPG said:
Soriku said:
I always thought the PS3-360 war was stupid becsuse they get the exact same third party games anyway, with a FEW exceptions.


Yes lets completely ignore the first party developers of Sony and MS. :/


lol. Sales don't dictate what first party games they make. Sales only really leads to more third party support, first party games would still be made.


Sales do indicate if a console will have a successor, more so making profit which comes from hardware sales :O. Of course what you said does not even hold true, cant see any big 3rd party Wii games besides Monster hunter 3 which one only big in Japan. I do hope that changes soon though, sadly the 3rd party Wii games just dont sell very well.

Kingdom Hearts 3 on Wii though......SE you want to make money or be retards?

You shut that up right now....I will STILL argue that NOT happening lol


Look at my sig, why? Because thats how the ps2 started, and it seems blu-ray is beginning to take off.

