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SamuelRSmith said:
Brand power only has a small effect, and that's mainly on small, impulse buy products like Coca-Cola, brand power generally does not translate onto expensive items.

If it did, the world would still be driving around in a Ford.

Im afraid youre right.

Look, I guve my support to Sony. But seriously cant get over some of the most retarded things Ive heard their frontmen say & do during the start of this generation of consoles. They share ALOT of faults for the sour position they've gotten themselves into:

Ken Kutaragi - obviously had a developing state of megalomania being so convinced that whatecer Sony would do the public would swallow it deep and hard. Despite being positive about Sony I still shake my head in disbelief about stuff like "two-jobs-buy-a-PS3" Krazy Ken. He underestimated the rivals LARGELY something that nearly ran the SCEJ business to the ground.

Phil Harrison - The man greenlit, so many games that turned out to be HORRIBLE lacking alot of quality which he kept telling himself and the public, in denial was true. Catastrophies like LAIR, untold Kingdom, GENJI 2 Heavenly Sword, several of FPS's (he was fucking saturating the god damn market with this) ,HOME (god DAMN IT Phil *facepalm*) etc.. ONLY one out of all those shits was a gem which i still appreciate: LBP.

Otherwise both of the above completely LOST what their fanbase & target consumers demanded.

I think the only guy who can save SCEJ comes in FAR, FAR, FAR too late into the SCEJ management is Shuhei Yushida - the dude has displayed surprisingly alot of competence to me from what Ive seen him say. Plus he's alot more willing to admit that his rivals/competitors have a good job. Also considering he comes from the background as the third party software consultant/manager gives me alot of belief leading towards which games the fanbase will want. Thanks to him I see PSN developing faster and pushing the developers to make features come out for the PS3 gamers. He's a gamer himself and can associate with what gamers enjoy. He's the only guy at SCEI I have some ounce of faith to believe that he may sort things out for Sony. At least clean their bad rep among the hardcore gamers.


Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.