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Forums - Website Topics - Something's really been wigging me out the past year....

On the VGChartz main page, if you scroll to the bottom, you can see a short list of current VGChartz users. It shows their profile picture, name, and a tag (if they have one). Everyone who reads this topic, I want you to go to that page, scroll down, and look at the names you see.

Every time you reload the page, it will show different users. Nothing weird about that, right? Well, every time I happen to scroll down far enough to see those names, I'm always listed among them. Every single time I reload the page, it will show four different random users and me.

Is this the same for everyone? When you reload the page, does it always show yourself down there?

Maybe my icon is just so awesome that they have me permanently stapled to that list so everyone can see it.

Around the Network

same happens to me, was kinda wondering about that.

That's how it is. Most of time mine is there, but sometimes it isn't.

From this evidence, I have reason to believe that VGChartz is stalking every single one of us.



lol, I thought it just gave my avatar priority because I'm leet.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Around the Network

Not sure but I think it shows the users who updated the site most recently.

Of course, you'll always be on that list as you just opened the main page... I hope that's the correct answer

That happens to me, too...


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

They're trying to make everyone think they're so awesome that they derserve to be on the front page. They're lulling us into a false sense of security, it's all part of some master plan.

We must rebel!

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

you need a profile picture to be on there. I have none so I never saw myself (though I usually don't scroll this low ^^)


Louie said:
Not sure but I think it shows the users who updated the site most recently.

Of course, you'll always be on that list as you just opened the main page... I hope that's the correct answer



Id say option B is more likely, i see myself all the time and I barely ever post.