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Forums - Website Topics - What about a "french vgchartz"

I was thinking ... This site is great, it's well done, easy to read and has a fantastic community! Have you ever tought of a more international version of this site? I said french cause my native language is french (yeah it's so sexy I know ladies calm down, I SAID CALM DOWN!!!) but what about german, italian etc etc etc?

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Strikes me as being kinda hard unless you have separate forum spaces for each language.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

Andere Sprachen ? Find ich doof :P

Uhm what ?

Why not make a Parlez-Vous Francais ThreaD? They have a spanish thread.


Ehhh French is my first language and I don't see any reasons why it should be in French. Most people in the world speak English as their second (or third etc.) language.

Plus the site would need even more mods, French speaking mods plus w/e other languages. It would be quite a mess and I don't think there's enough people up to the task.

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Well I meant: keeping as it is right now and creating another website ( f.i.) that would be a "light" (same sales analysis and reviews, just translated in french).

Tremble said:
Well I meant: keeping as it is right now and creating another website ( f.i.) that would be a "light" (same sales analysis and reviews, just translated in french).



but you could just use one of the french translators online

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Darth, do you visit french sites using a translator? This is just terrible. I was thinking that the site had the potential to attract more users and maybe be a reference too in europe.

I don't see a point in fragmenting the community and discussions.

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