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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 sells out amazon uk...

There were also TONS of ps3 ads in the start of this gen, you know thats what pushed me to a ps3.


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Not so much now though, at a time when it would be useful for console sales as being outsold in a predominantly Playstation region by the 360 is just madness lol.

I got a PS3 as at the time it was the only console that was going to be having FF XIII and also due to the build quality of Sony products, no RRoD for me

I bought a 60gb ps3, because of its BC, having played KH Com ON THE gameboy, kingdom hearts had grabbed my attention on the ps2, and seeing that the ps3 would play all ps2 games, it was a must buy for me.

Also if it wasnt for me buying a psp, I would have never thought of buying a ps3, you see I was a very big Ninty fanboy.



Yeah, i remember those days lol.

I had a PS1 and then a PS2 on launch so had to get myself a PS3 come launch too, couldn't help myself lol. Got the 60GB also and use it to play PS2 games now and again, having too many PS3 games to play at the moment makes it impossible to get the PS2 games i bought not too long ago started lol

Europe is awesome

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FPSrules said:
Europe is awesome


I wouldn't go that far mr lol

Certainly not for the UK anyway

lol they only had 5 in stock in the first place.


leo-j said:
Motorostorm broke 1 million before it was even bundled anywhere

Sorry to be offtopic everyone...but you pulled that number out of your ass. You didn't even look at the graph I pointed out to you.  It was released bundled in NA on March 4, 2007 after selling an underwhelming 55k in sooner japan release. Then it was bundled again at end of June 2007 in EU when its ww sales were near 800k.

Do you always have to defend your PS3 position even tho your obviously wrong?

Million said:
lol they only had 5 in stock in the first place.


PS$? It prints money now?


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

jingho said:
ya...LBP has sold out before,too.


 And thats why it sold more than 100k and less than 200k in less than 2.5 weeks in UK only.