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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is it possible to have the Wii as your primary console?

Hippysnake said:
'Is it possible to have the Wii as your primary console?'

If you're under 11: Yes.

If you're over 11: No. The time will come when waggling the Wiimote will no longer be the fun novelty it once was. The time will come when you just want to pickup a pad, laze down on a futton or bed, and just play normally, without putting any physical strain on your body. The novelty wears off way to fast for it to be a dedicated console this GEN. That kinda explain why there are so many second hand units around.

Hey , I could care less what anyone, let alone a smart-a kid, thinks. I’ve been gaming over three times longer than he’s been alive. I’ve played on consoles he’s never heard of and I have a 360 (mostly for friends) and a kick ass gaming grade PC and a Wii. And Yes the Wii is my main machine and NO I’m not getting bored, and yes I’m older than 11. Now playing by wiggling my thumbs on an old fashioned analog controller, that I’ve gotten bored with.

I completely happy with the Wii as my main console and the only thing that’ll make me happier is motion +. But if anyone feels differently , OK by me, whatever floats your boat.

What I want to known is where all these gazillions of 2nd hand Wiis are hiding because I could make a mint.

Actual Screen capture of themost recent closing auctions (check time and date)


With plain vanilla Wiis going for $50 over list  and $50 more than an Arcade + GH Aerosmith
and $226 more than an Arcade + 5 games. (I’m not sure how to compare it to a PS3 since it wasn’t getting any bids at all)

I WANT all those 2nd hand Wiis and that unsold palette full at that Walmart where ever it was supposed to be because I’LL BE RICH!!!!!!!!!!!



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I don't know about 'primary console', because I play my retro consoles and DS a lot more than I play the Wii.

But it's the only console I own from this gen, and it might stay that way (I'm tempted to buy a 360, but when I'm mere seconds from buying one, I back off).

Bet - "PES 2009 (PS3) will sell (closer to) 150k first week in Japan" - Pooperscopper
"It will sell closer to 125k" - Me I agree.

End of '09 Predictions:

Wii: 78 million
X360: 35 million
PS3: 27 million

Well the Wii is my primary Console this generation and i am very happy it has quality Nintendo Games and it looks like 3rd party efforts will be great in next year. And i dont plan to buy 360 or a PS3 even if they really cheap. Ill miss some games but i think the ones that will be released are good enough for me (especially now when my playing time is limited)

I also have a DS , and a Good Gaming PC which would serve me to play WRPG's mainly (getting Mass Effect and Fallout 3 on Christmas).

So i am sorted for this generation.

My only console also. Of course I'm missing out as the other consoles have great exclusives, but I have enough games to satisfy me and I don't even miss these games at all.

well yeah:S i'm just recently using my PS3... Falllout3, Prince of Persia and PES, but before that i barely touched it. I still think Wii is my main console though :)

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Hippysnake said:
Voltaire said:
Hippysnake said:
'Is it possible to have the Wii as your primary console?'

If you're under 11: Yes.

If you're over 11: No. The time will come when waggling the Wiimote will no longer be the fun novelty it once was. The time will come when you just want to pickup a pad, laze down on a futton or bed, and just play normally, without putting any physical strain on your body. The novelty wears off way to fast for it to be a dedicated console this GEN. That kinda explain why there are so many second hand units around.


 I just love it how people talk like what theyre saying is a known fact. So Again, something must be wrong with me because all i do is" pickup a wiimote, laze down on a futton or bed, and just play normally, without putting any physical strain on your body"


I must be an anomaly.

Learn to punctuate before quoting me. I feel rather silly replying to someone who cannot use simple grammar.

Anyway, time to address that not so valid point.
95% of Wii games require you to gayly waggle the Wiimote at least once every 45 seconds. The other 5% of games also work on GameCube.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hang on a minute, partner. I know that you're banned and I realise there have been lots of examples of bad grammar in this thread, but I couldn't let this little gem slip by. Who are you to call the kettle black?

If you're under 11: Yes.
If you're over 11: No.

In the above sentences, you are using a dependent clause like an independent one. The word "if" is a subordinating conjunction. A subordinating conjunction makes a clause dependent. When using a colon, the part of the sentence before the colon must be an independent clause. Using a comma instead of a colon would be correct. This one is especially relevant because it concerns punctuation: the very thing you were criticising.

The word "futon" is spelt as I have spelt it. I wouldn't call grammar simple, but I would certainly say that spelling is simpler. To save time, I have included a corrected quote below from both of you. The corrections are highlighted in magenta.

Hippysnake said:
Voltaire said:
Hippysnake said:
'Is it possible to have the Wii as your primary console?'

If you're under 11, yes.

If you're over 11, no. The time will come when waggling the Wiimote will no longer be the fun novelty that it once was. The time will come when you just want to pick up a pad, lie down on a futon or bed, and just play normally, without putting any physical strain on your body. The novelty wears off way to fast for it to be a dedicated console this GEN. That kinda explains why there are so many second hand units around.


 I just love it how people talk like what they're saying is a known fact. So again, something must be wrong with me because all I do is, "pick up a Wiimote, lie down on a futon or bed, and just play normally … ".


I must be an anomaly.

Learn to punctuate before quoting me. I feel rather silly replying to someone who cannot use simple grammar.

Anyway, it is time to address that not-so-valid point.
Ninety-five percent of Wii games require you to gayly waggle the Wiimote at least once every 45 seconds. The other 5% of games also work on GameCube.


There were lots of errors on both sides, and that probably isn't even complete. Can we please have no more unfair criticisms from idiots such as you? The time will come when you realise that faster polygon processing and higher resolutions are novelties that the industry has been pushing for many years now.

The Wii is my primary console as well, and I'm very satisfied with it.
I own a PS3 as well, but it doesn't get half the play time as my Wii does (unless you count blu-ray).

If I had to pick only one, it'd be the Wii. The PS3 is a very nice complement to it, though.

It is possible, and I'm doing it. I love my little white tank and I don't have any particular burning desire for another console.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Grammar Police said:
Hippysnake said:
Voltaire said:
Hippysnake said:
'Is it possible to have the Wii as your primary console?'

If you're under 11: Yes.

If you're over 11: No. The time will come when waggling the Wiimote will no longer be the fun novelty it once was. The time will come when you just want to pickup a pad, laze down on a futton or bed, and just play normally, without putting any physical strain on your body. The novelty wears off way to fast for it to be a dedicated console this GEN. That kinda explain why there are so many second hand units around.


 I just love it how people talk like what theyre saying is a known fact. So Again, something must be wrong with me because all i do is" pickup a wiimote, laze down on a futton or bed, and just play normally, without putting any physical strain on your body"


I must be an anomaly.

Learn to punctuate before quoting me. I feel rather silly replying to someone who cannot use simple grammar.

Anyway, time to address that not so valid point.
95% of Wii games require you to gayly waggle the Wiimote at least once every 45 seconds. The other 5% of games also work on GameCube.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hang on a minute, partner. I know that you're banned and I realise there have been lots of examples of bad grammar in this thread, but I couldn't let this little gem slip by. Who are you to call the kettle black?

If you're under 11: Yes.
If you're over 11: No.

In the above sentences, you are using a dependent clause like an independent one. The word "if" is a subordinating conjunction. A subordinating conjunction makes a clause dependent. When using a colon, the part of the sentence before the colon must be an independent clause. Using a comma instead of a colon would be correct. This one is especially relevant because it concerns punctuation: the very thing you were criticising.

The word "futon" is spelt as I have spelt it. I wouldn't call grammar simple, but I would certainly say that spelling is simpler. To save time, I have included a corrected quote below from both of you. The corrections are highlighted in magenta.

Hippysnake said:
Voltaire said:
Hippysnake said:
'Is it possible to have the Wii as your primary console?'

If you're under 11, yes.

If you're over 11, no. The time will come when waggling the Wiimote will no longer be the fun novelty that it once was. The time will come when you just want to pick up a pad, lie down on a futon or bed, and just play normally, without putting any physical strain on your body. The novelty wears off way to fast for it to be a dedicated console this GEN. That kinda explains why there are so many second hand units around.


 I just love it how people talk like what they're saying is a known fact. So again, something must be wrong with me because all I do is, "pick up a Wiimote, lie down on a futon or bed, and just play normally … ".


I must be an anomaly.

Learn to punctuate before quoting me. I feel rather silly replying to someone who cannot use simple grammar.

Anyway, it is time to address that not-so-valid point.
Ninety-five percent of Wii games require you to gayly waggle the Wiimote at least once every 45 seconds. The other 5% of games also work on Gamecube.


There were lots of errors on both sides, and that probably isn't even complete. Can we please have no more unfair criticisms from idiots such as you? The time will come when you realise that faster polygon processing and higher resolutions are novelties that the industry has been pushing for many years now.

Also, grammar pwned.


My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

I have a Wii as my console, a DS as my handheld and a PC for all of the PC games that some strange folk like to play on 360s or PS3s. I haven't felt like I've missed out on anything yet, save maybe Fable II, but I hear that's coming to PC. I really do think that Wii + PC is /the/ combination for this generation. In my opinion, all of those FPS games the PS3 and 360 fans drool over control better on the PC anyway.