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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit is it even worth the hype and wait?

OK, OK... if somehow The Conduit could surpass COD in every aspect especially online multiplayer then Im wrong and I could eat crow. If not, then why hype this? There are more games needs to be hyped like Madworld and HOTD Overkill.

I think we should demand third parties to give us GOOD GAMES rather than shovelware (its our right after all) the Wii have the majority of userbase compared to HD consoles after all, rather than to wait for a new game we dont knew if good or not.

If we really want good COD then we have the right to demand it from Activision. We're in majority after all, why not give it to us? Do you all really think the 39 million people bought the Wiis are casuals? LOL

SERIOUSLY, The Conduit isnt the answer for our hardcore gaming needs, we should show to third parties that there are people on the Wii audience that are core and needed it.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

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I won't go through 3 pages' worth of arguing and I'll just go ahead and state my opinion. The game looks like your typical shooter with nothing special about it outside the IR controls. If it does good though it could potentially open up the gates to higher and better FPS games on the Wii.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


yushire said:
OK, OK... if somehow The Conduit could surpass COD in every aspect especially online multiplayer then Im wrong and I could eat crow. If not, then why hype this? There are more games needs to be hyped like Madworld and HOTD Overkill.

I think we should demand third parties to give us GOOD GAMES rather than shovelware (its our right after all) the Wii have the majority of userbase compared to HD consoles after all, rather than to wait for a new game we dont knew if good or not.

If we really want good COD then we have the right to demand it from Activision. We're in majority after all, why not give it to us? Do you all really think the 39 million people bought the Wiis are casuals? LOL

SERIOUSLY, The Conduit isnt the answer for our hardcore gaming needs, we should show to third parties that there are people on the Wii audience that are core and needed it.


The problem with COD: WAW is it's yet another watered down version (though definitely a better effort than 3).  Most people I know that are in to playing FPS games have both a Wii and a 360 and would rather buy the full version.  I will be buying COD: WAW for the Wii since that's the system I will be getting and I hate using joysticks on games like this anyway, but I'm still a little dissapointed in the effort and I would pick up the Conduit before WAW if it were available.

Third parties should give us good games instead of watered down versions, and if the Conduit is successful, we may well see a more serious effort from other third parties since they'll know there's interest (spending 8 mil to develop a title on the Wii takes alot of convincing).  The thing is, the only way to show third parties there are pleanty of core fans is to support games like the Conduit.  The Conduit is not the only answer for hard core games on the Wii, but it's certainly one of them.  I don't think it's your style of game though, and that's the real problem you have with it.

psychoBrew said:
yushire said:
OK, OK... if somehow The Conduit could surpass COD in every aspect especially online multiplayer then Im wrong and I could eat crow. If not, then why hype this? There are more games needs to be hyped like Madworld and HOTD Overkill.

I think we should demand third parties to give us GOOD GAMES rather than shovelware (its our right after all) the Wii have the majority of userbase compared to HD consoles after all, rather than to wait for a new game we dont knew if good or not.

If we really want good COD then we have the right to demand it from Activision. We're in majority after all, why not give it to us? Do you all really think the 39 million people bought the Wiis are casuals? LOL

SERIOUSLY, The Conduit isnt the answer for our hardcore gaming needs, we should show to third parties that there are people on the Wii audience that are core and needed it.


The problem with COD: WAW is it's yet another watered down version (though definitely a better effort than 3).  Most people I know that are in to playing FPS games have both a Wii and a 360 and would rather buy the full version.  I will be buying COD: WAW for the Wii since that's the system I will be getting and I hate using joysticks on games like this anyway, but I'm still a little dissapointed in the effort and I would pick up the Conduit before WAW if it were available.

Third parties should give us good games instead of watered down versions, and if the Conduit is successful, we may well see a more serious effort from other third parties since they'll know there's interest (spending 8 mil to develop a title on the Wii takes alot of convincing).  The thing is, the only way to show third parties there are pleanty of core fans is to support games like the Conduit.  The Conduit is not the only answer for hard core games on the Wii, but it's certainly one of them.  I don't think it's your style of game though, and that's the real problem you have with it.


Then why not demand a better game from Activision then? Anyway, even so I think Activision shake up their ideas about the audience on the Wii regarding the casual and the core. The sales proves it, sure its not a million seller but it definitely sell and their server cant keep up with the people playing online that it causes disconnections and lags. Even its small it definitely stings Activision. Anyway, I think this is the perfect time for us to demand Activsion to makes us a good COD game this time. The core userbase cannot be ignored...

With all of the features stripped out, only 8 players online, the least hyped COD WAW version and minimal ads only till now Activision sure wants this game to be flopped. Too bad for them it isnt and too bad they cant ignore the core userbase on the Wii anymore. Unless they want SEGA to be the number one in terms of third parties on online games which Activision couldnt possibly want to  happened.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

yes it is

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LBP Conduit will be HUGE! 6 4 million first day and it will have good legs,It will show the real power of the Cell Broadway and the graphical power of RSX Hollywood!!



yushire said:
psychoBrew said:
yushire said:
OK, OK... if somehow The Conduit could surpass COD in every aspect especially online multiplayer then Im wrong and I could eat crow. If not, then why hype this? There are more games needs to be hyped like Madworld and HOTD Overkill.

I think we should demand third parties to give us GOOD GAMES rather than shovelware (its our right after all) the Wii have the majority of userbase compared to HD consoles after all, rather than to wait for a new game we dont knew if good or not.

If we really want good COD then we have the right to demand it from Activision. We're in majority after all, why not give it to us? Do you all really think the 39 million people bought the Wiis are casuals? LOL

SERIOUSLY, The Conduit isnt the answer for our hardcore gaming needs, we should show to third parties that there are people on the Wii audience that are core and needed it.


The problem with COD: WAW is it's yet another watered down version (though definitely a better effort than 3).  Most people I know that are in to playing FPS games have both a Wii and a 360 and would rather buy the full version.  I will be buying COD: WAW for the Wii since that's the system I will be getting and I hate using joysticks on games like this anyway, but I'm still a little dissapointed in the effort and I would pick up the Conduit before WAW if it were available.

Third parties should give us good games instead of watered down versions, and if the Conduit is successful, we may well see a more serious effort from other third parties since they'll know there's interest (spending 8 mil to develop a title on the Wii takes alot of convincing).  The thing is, the only way to show third parties there are pleanty of core fans is to support games like the Conduit.  The Conduit is not the only answer for hard core games on the Wii, but it's certainly one of them.  I don't think it's your style of game though, and that's the real problem you have with it.


Then why not demand a better game from Activision then? Anyway, even so I think Activision shake up their ideas about the audience on the Wii regarding the casual and the core. The sales proves it, sure its not a million seller but it definitely sell and their server cant keep up with the people playing online that it causes disconnections and lags. Even its small it definitely stings Activision. Anyway, I think this is the perfect time for us to demand Activsion to makes us a good COD game this time. The core userbase cannot be ignored...

With all of the features stripped out, only 8 players online, the least hyped COD WAW version and minimal ads only till now Activision sure wants this game to be flopped. Too bad for them it isnt and too bad they cant ignore the core userbase on the Wii anymore. Unless they want SEGA to be the number one in terms of third parties on online games which Activision couldnt possibly want to  happened.

Demanding a better game won't convince Activision to make it.  Buying games in the series or genre will and I plan to purchase WAW to show my support (well, to have fun, actually).  The decision makers want to see a viable market before investing the money into the Wii, and the only way to do that is to show them there's a demand for their products by purchasing the watered down versions.  The 360 will get most of Activision's attention because Call of Duty games sell the best on that system (well, consoles anyway -- I don't know how well it sells on the PC).  Call of Duty sales on the Wii are insignificant compared to 360 so Activision is not going to put their best effort into the Wii version (their resources have limmits and they need to put them where the most money is).  It could be a catch 22 situation, or perhaps there just isn't going to be the same demand on the Wii.  I don't know and I don't see Activision taking a gamble on it.

If you want to see better Call of Duty games on the Wii, you need to support games like the Conduit to show other third party publishers that there is demand for games like this.  Right now, Wii Fit, Wii Music, and the Mario games are the top sellers and that tells publishers and developers that that's the type of games Wii consumers are willing to spend their money on.

Personally, I'd love to see battlefield come to the Wii and can't wait for the new Star Wars Battlefront game.

yushire said:

 Its already settled the debate is finished so Im not debating anymore. Especially I realized that The Conduit isnt hyped as it used to be like Gears and Halo. So everyone will not be disappointed on this game because they expected on what need to be expected of this game.

Unfortunately... no. I cannot help but be over-hyped for this game. I can't help but think it can potentially be my dream shooter on the Wii (I blame this for renewing interest). I know, my rational side tells me it will more than likely be just mediocre, but what can I say? I'm only human

As for the other FPS, I won't buy one just because there's no option (especially since I have a PS3/360). I don't know much about MoHH2, didn't interest me enough - maybe I'd buy it if I found it for ~$10. CoD:WaW on the Wii seemed like it was gimped compared to the HD versions, and I have other games in mind as it is. I'm a bit tired of the WW2 setting. Btw, I don't think Assassin's Creed was disappointing to most people like you think it was. I'm not sure if you played it, but the game had its merits - I enjoyed it more than other higher rated games (Resistance), that's for sure. The sales of the sequel will indicate if I'm right or not.

Someone brought up Metroid Prime's sales, but I don't think that's too indicative of the FPS fans. That game hardly plays like a normal FPS - I know many people into shooters that show zero interest in Metroid. I haven't bought it either, only borrowed it from a friend (it's not my type of game).

Anyway, by the time The Conduit comes out, the Wii userbase will be what, 50+ mil? I honestly think it can pull off more than 150k first week in NA if it gets a good advertising push. Really, I'll bet vg$5 on it!

c0rd said:

Unfortunately... no. I cannot help but be over-hyped for this game. I can't help but think it can potentially be my dream shooter on the Wii (I blame this for renewing interest). I know, my rational side tells me it will more than likely be just mediocre, but what can I say? I'm only human

 WARNING:  Do not drink any alcoholic berverages before watching this video.

You need to include this before your link.

Looks like fun though.

@psychobrew----> dont be so negative. Its like most 3rd parties are evil and only doing shovelwares. This isnt 2006 or 2007 3rd parties have changed. Just wait till 2009 before we judge of 3rd parties, the Wii was only 2 years old now so there are improvements regarding the Wii.

@cord----> Those kind of quick turning and fast stroke pointing was outdated right now in today's standards. Most FPS was on realistic approach right now so dont expect those quick turning and fast pointing on The Conduit. You can even see the videos yourself on how the character moves. Though I admit, it looks like a mouse...

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out