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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wow, the new Prince of Persia got a 9.3? I'm impressed and surprised.

Torillian said:
My only issue with the reviews is that they seem to have too close of a cut off between when a game does and does not have lasting appeal. Machina and I were talking recently, and Mirror's Edge was lambasted by reviewers in general for not having nearly enough lasting appeal and replay value to warrant the price (at least that's what I got out of IGN's review), but PoP is barely better. Mirror's Edge's story I've been told is around 6 hours, and PoP is around 8. Now my issue is that you can play Mirror's Edge again on hard mode, while I have heard of no such option in PoP. So to me, Mirror's Edge should get a better score as far as value goes.

This rant aside, the game is beautiful, looks like a lot of fun, and is next on my list of PS3 games to get.

Mirror's Edge had more complaints about the frustrating "trial and error" then the lack of replay value.  Prince of Persia doesn't seem like a game that would be frutstating like Mirror's Edge.


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Torillian said:
My only issue with the reviews is that they seem to have too close of a cut off between when a game does and does not have lasting appeal. Machina and I were talking recently, and Mirror's Edge was lambasted by reviewers in general for not having nearly enough lasting appeal and replay value to warrant the price (at least that's what I got out of IGN's review), but PoP is barely better. Mirror's Edge's story I've been told is around 6 hours, and PoP is around 8. Now my issue is that you can play Mirror's Edge again on hard mode, while I have heard of no such option in PoP. So to me, Mirror's Edge should get a better score as far as value goes.

This rant aside, the game is beautiful, looks like a lot of fun, and is next on my list of PS3 games to get.

I heard Prince was 12 hours... I don't know if that counts collecting all the light seeds, though.

It also has trophies..hmmnn.. I might get it, depends, either that or COD wAW.



I can't wait for this game, but I will have to wait until Christmas.

That game makes me wish I could afford an HD console soooo badly. It's definitely one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen.

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Im surprised that you were surprised that the game got 93%. Sands of time had average scores of 91%-93% between the 3 console versions. Warrior within was 84-86% and two thrones was 85-86%. So 93% seems pretty inline considering this is a new POP and not another part in a trilogy.

Also judging from reviews there is a pretty huge difference between ME and PoP. Gameplay in PoP is incredibly polished. It is 10 or so hours of fantastic gameplay. ME is 3hours of great gameplay followed by 3 hours of poor gameplay. Graphically PoP destroys ME. PoP has better characters. If ME had been 10hours long, not used the atrocious animated cutscenes, been more polished and the final half not been far worse than the first half im sure it too would have scored very highly.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

Yet another AAA title for the PS3, and XBOX 360.



Let me clarify, I fully realize that PoP looks nicer and may very well be more fun, I am simply making an argument based on the ideas of lasting appeal and/or value. It is my belief that the quality of a game should have very little affect on value and it should be thought only as a scale of how much time a person who already enjoyed the game would get out of it, and how that compares to the rest of the genre. If a game is very repetitive then yes this should lead to a docking of value, but if two games have nearly the same amount of time spent in them, and one is not highly more repetitive than the other then I think they should get similar scores. That's solely for value type scores, the rest I am not arguing for or against as I do not have enough information to do so.

If this debate is a terribly annoying amount of derailing please let me know and I will stop. I realize I have veered from the threads original intent.


Anyone who owns these systems and wasn't going to pick this up were kidding themselves about its inevitable quality.

The Prince of Persia series has flourished under Ubisoft. This was almost bound to be fantastic.

But Torillian even assuming ME and PoP were both the exact same length surely 6hours of an amazing game has more value than 6hours of a good game. I mean if ME was say an hour longer than PoP but the gameplay was still the same I would still say PoP had more value. Value is a measure of the amount of enjoyment you get out of the game.

You say quality should have no effect on value but I strongly disagree. If there was a 20hour game but it was awful would you say it had more value than a 10 hour amazing game? I mean sure it's twice the length but you haven't had any fun in that time to actually value.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.