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Im surprised that you were surprised that the game got 93%. Sands of time had average scores of 91%-93% between the 3 console versions. Warrior within was 84-86% and two thrones was 85-86%. So 93% seems pretty inline considering this is a new POP and not another part in a trilogy.

Also judging from reviews there is a pretty huge difference between ME and PoP. Gameplay in PoP is incredibly polished. It is 10 or so hours of fantastic gameplay. ME is 3hours of great gameplay followed by 3 hours of poor gameplay. Graphically PoP destroys ME. PoP has better characters. If ME had been 10hours long, not used the atrocious animated cutscenes, been more polished and the final half not been far worse than the first half im sure it too would have scored very highly.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.