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Let me clarify, I fully realize that PoP looks nicer and may very well be more fun, I am simply making an argument based on the ideas of lasting appeal and/or value. It is my belief that the quality of a game should have very little affect on value and it should be thought only as a scale of how much time a person who already enjoyed the game would get out of it, and how that compares to the rest of the genre. If a game is very repetitive then yes this should lead to a docking of value, but if two games have nearly the same amount of time spent in them, and one is not highly more repetitive than the other then I think they should get similar scores. That's solely for value type scores, the rest I am not arguing for or against as I do not have enough information to do so.

If this debate is a terribly annoying amount of derailing please let me know and I will stop. I realize I have veered from the threads original intent.
