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Forums - Sales Discussion - i think 360 may have an 8 million+ lead after fall results are out.........

i am very dissapointed with the ps3 sales recently

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Darth Tigris said:
Wow. Its so refreshing to see some of the hardcore PS3 fans finally ACCEPTING a 3rd place finish THIS GEN.


i do not see ps3 finishing 3rd place this gen,i just gave my imo on the current situation going into 2009 mabey going into 2010. there are plenty more years left in this cycle, i do not belive in 5 yer cycle for this gen.............i want the games and ps3 will provide them, looking at initial 2009 releases ps3 will deliver

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

KBG29 said:

I am not going to make a list, but the PS3 does have the games it needs already. Sony has plenty of exclusives that are very good, and worth playing. Just because a game does not sell 3 to 5 million does not mean it is worse than another first party game that does. As far as third party goes, Sony has not Lost an exclusive this gen. The games still come out on PS3, so just because they also come out on 360 that does not mean they are exclusive like some seem to believe.

This generation is like every other generation before it. Price point and hype sell consoles, games do little to change the direction the market decides to take. Last gen the PS2 hit $199 fast and included DVD, this gen Wii started at $249 and had Motion and now 360 is at $200 with Live and Netflix. The gimicy things are what sell to the mainstream. Once PS3 hits $199 a whole new market opens to it, and all the sudden Home and Blu-ray are the talk of the town. Games sell gamers on buying consoles. For the rest it comes down to what the console does besides gaming that really matters.

Yes the PS3 does have some great games. The problem is, it's HD competitor has more. As a previous PS2 gamer the 360 fits the bill more. I lover JRPG's, Hacknslash, beat em ups, Racing, sport, Adventure, FPS, TPS all genres really. On top of that the Live service is awesome. People are realising that for £129 you get a console with HD visuals and a very impressive library of games. It's great the PS3 has good games, as I said the problem is the 360 constantly improves it's library to. So the gap does not close.


Skeeuk said:

best 2008 games

The PS3 does not have Lost Odyssey, so therefore it is and will always be inferior to the 360.


Times Banned: 12

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Undying said:
Skeeuk said:

best 2008 games

The PS3 does not have Lost Odyssey, so therefore it is and will always be inferior to the 360.


i had lost to 4rth dvdn...........and it got became mediocre imo game should have been 3dvds to quicken th story

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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lol, ps3 WILL not finish 3rd believe me! its hasnt even been out for 3 years yet god dammnit!! i dont see anyone taking the piss out of 360 sales when it only sold 22 million in 3 bloody years!

KillaKB said:
disolitude said:
leo-j said:
This gen makes me think games dont even matter, but price and the name wii do..

Dude...if anything this gen shows that games, online and innovation matter. Not bluray and brand name...which seems that were the only 2 aces Sony had this gen.



 so true


lol... man I like trols :P


But yeah, the 360 has a huge advantage at this point because of its price... but I still doubt that it will make it...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

lol, ps3 WILL not finish 3rd believe me! its hasnt even been out for 3 years yet god dammnit!! i dont see anyone taking the piss out of 360 sales when it only sold 22 million in 3 bloody years!

LOL. That excuse doesnt work. The reality when PS3 came out they were only 5.45mill behind. As of end of year it's looking 7mill + for definate poss 8mill+. The problem is 360 is gaining, and the more they sell the more word of mouth. The more people buy one because their mates are on Live. This gen is rather smart. The people who subscribe up to either network are more likely to stay that network next gen. There a rumours that M$ have passed 16 mill Gold subscribers.


Skeeuk said:
Undying said:
Skeeuk said:

best 2008 games

The PS3 does not have Lost Odyssey, so therefore it is and will always be inferior to the 360.



i had lost to 4rth dvdn...........and it got became mediocre imo game should have been 3dvds to quicken th story


Whether you like it matters not. Its just a fact that the PS3 will always be inferior to the 360 because it does not have LO.

Times Banned: 12

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MS is the king of filibustering this gen. Their well timed price drop has filibustered the PS3's catching up all year and has kind of filibustered the Wii's charge into 50% marketshare.

As long as MS keeps getting price cuts at the proper times, the PS3 would never catch the 360 in time.

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