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Forums - Sony Discussion - Littlebigplanet or....?

Hey there guys,

for a few months or so I've been following Vgchartz and it's members.

For sales and opinions I know where to go

But... I've made a terrible mistake. Since the begin of '08 I wanted Littlebigplanet and Resistance 2.

I've recently bought:

Far Cry 2 (Dissapointed me VERY)

Call of Duty : World at War (Had to buy, it was refreshing. 2/3 of my PSN friends had it & It was the refreshing I wanted)

Lair (For 12 euro's @

Oblivion: GOTY (Had to buy, I've got the original on my pc... But since my pc is crap and this one came with the 2 expansions it was a easy choice for 19 euro's)

(If you don't wanna read the terrible experience I had with Ubisoft, and like to help me with choosing a game, then read further after the 2nd  ______)


Far Cry 2 here, ladies and gentleman, was the mistake... I respected Ubisoft for the innovation that Electronic Arts didn't.... I've got the 'Amazing' Assassin's Creed over here... Since I was unfortunatelly (Dunno if I spellt that 1 right, but who cares... It's the internet) sucked into the hype by Jade Raymond (Joke for the long read :P). No, that was not the case... I've been draged into the hype by friends, media and -ofcourse- the internet since 2006 (I believe).... I really liked Altair as an ice-cold killer with his crossbow that could even be used as an axe, and the idea of big assassinations on -historically accurate- people! And all that could be done over and over again since I could do it in 5 different ways! What the producers didn't add is that U must start from a given location to start the assassination.... So long freedom. Well AC was worth a 7 and no more then 30 euro's IMO....

Far Cry 2 is worth a rough 8 and 35 euro's... I was sucked into the hype by the trailers & amazing pre- and reviews.... Afterall the multiplayer wasn't even free-roaming as some said, which would be amazing since you need to get to know the area first.... Right now I think Ubisoft < Electronic Arts...


And damn that Far Cry 2..Now I can't ask both Resistance 2 & Littlebigplanet... I wanna buy a scooter in 3 months, so I can't give out any money... My mom & dad already gave me Call of Duty: WaW, and like to give me one more game. That shall be either R2 or LBP.... And I ask you, ladies and gentleman, to please tell me which I'm gonna ask from them... I really like shooters, I've had great experiences with R:FoM, I like the arcade gameplay that R2 has to offer me and I really want that co-op! Also, more rl friends of mine are gonna buy R2 then LBP. Also, I'm good at shooters. I like the admiration I get from some people online.... It's not arrogance, It just makes me feel good.... I'm not gonna sum up my K/D ratio's here... But lets keep to it that it's high. Let's talk about LBP... I like the innovation, I played the beta and it rocked... I just don't think I can spend as much time in it as I can in LBP (I think I'll be bored pretty soon playing the game... Since I don't see myself creating levels 3 months long...).... That's my problem folks... I just like to know... Which to ask?

Thanks in advance,

Rickz0r (Typo on my username - LMFAO!)

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Sounds easy for you - Resistance 2. I didn't understand the first half of your post, though...which really doesn't matter I guess, cuz I understood enough to give you the opinion you were looking for.

Resistence 2.

Phrancheyez..........I think u should change ur sig.

LittleBigPlanet is great, but I think you will be more happy with Resistance 2 as you are a shooter fan. I bought it today and it's most excellent so far (I haven't touched the much hailed and extensive online modes yet).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

-General_Ram- said:
Resistence 2.

Phrancheyez..........I think u should change ur sig.


I think you're right...I thought about that the other day, but I was too lazy to click 'Edit Profile'...that means I have to slide my finger ALL THE WAY from the right side of the touch-pad to the left, and I don't work out anymore so that's asking a lot of me..ahh the trials and tribulations we are subject to!

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It's a terrible mistake with FC2 indeed, I never buy Ubisoft games unless we're talking about PoP, Ubisoft is unique in making bad and souless games both on the Wii and the HD consoles.

Judging by what you wrote though, get R2...

I bought LBP... I think I should've bought (and will) buy Resistance 2 and play it more...

I am an action person... Sitting for 15 hours creating levels or playing someone else's level with the same game mechanics is not my thing. LBP is a good idea for certain people. I'm just not one of them.

@Phrancheyez, my english is normally much better.... But I'm a little tired since I didn't sleep for 32 hours (I lost a bet, and now my friends are gonna call me every 2 hours to check if I'm not sleeping.... FOR 48 HOURS!).... But I'm sorry you couldn't understand the first half... I think ur verdicts are very clear... But I've bought so many shooters already... Far Cry 2, Been playing Call of Duty 4 for 16 full days online, and now Call of Duty : WaW... isn't Littlebigplanet good enough to give me some variation? Or is Resistance 2 really THAT good, that it is a MUST for every shooter fan.. Saturated or not? My PSN friends tell me I will be better off buying R2 aswell.. Plus two of my friends will lend me Littlebigplanet if I want to.... R2 is the verdict?
Thank you for you're answers BTW,

To be honest, I only played the Resistance 2 Beta, I'll probably get the game for XMas, so I can't really tell you how the full game is.

I have LBP, I think it's a great game. It's really fun to play with other people, and there are getting to be quite a few good levels online to where if you actually do complete the story mode (which I'm pretty close), there's a lot of stuff online to keep you going. That being said, you don't have to be able to make your own levels to fully enjoy the game.

I see what you're saying with shooters. If that's the case, I might tell you to give LBP a try. Hell, borrow it from one of your friends first and see - just know it's 10x as good if you're sitting next to a few people playing together. That's not to say that playing by yourself sucks, because sometimes the people you're playing with can mess things up (...) but it's still more fun to run around smacking each other and making each other die by dragging someone to a pit or something while they're dressing their character. I got LBP for the same reason it sounds like you want it - a change of pace. I was the same way, tons of shooters. LBP is a game that everyone can enjoy though.

And don't worry about your english. I could tell it wasn't your first language, and I got enough information out of your post so it's all good!

farcry2 was one of my fail purchases this yer..............i got resistance 2 and its superb, i cnt belive the scope in the game it looks and runs up2 san fran level...........although gears is a diff type of game and both hav thier upss and downs both games r very get r2 its fantastic.............lbp on the other hand is also fantastic although its not for everyone

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...