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@Phrancheyez, my english is normally much better.... But I'm a little tired since I didn't sleep for 32 hours (I lost a bet, and now my friends are gonna call me every 2 hours to check if I'm not sleeping.... FOR 48 HOURS!).... But I'm sorry you couldn't understand the first half... I think ur verdicts are very clear... But I've bought so many shooters already... Far Cry 2, Been playing Call of Duty 4 for 16 full days online, and now Call of Duty : WaW... isn't Littlebigplanet good enough to give me some variation? Or is Resistance 2 really THAT good, that it is a MUST for every shooter fan.. Saturated or not? My PSN friends tell me I will be better off buying R2 aswell.. Plus two of my friends will lend me Littlebigplanet if I want to.... R2 is the verdict?
Thank you for you're answers BTW,