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To be honest, I only played the Resistance 2 Beta, I'll probably get the game for XMas, so I can't really tell you how the full game is.

I have LBP, I think it's a great game. It's really fun to play with other people, and there are getting to be quite a few good levels online to where if you actually do complete the story mode (which I'm pretty close), there's a lot of stuff online to keep you going. That being said, you don't have to be able to make your own levels to fully enjoy the game.

I see what you're saying with shooters. If that's the case, I might tell you to give LBP a try. Hell, borrow it from one of your friends first and see - just know it's 10x as good if you're sitting next to a few people playing together. That's not to say that playing by yourself sucks, because sometimes the people you're playing with can mess things up (...) but it's still more fun to run around smacking each other and making each other die by dragging someone to a pit or something while they're dressing their character. I got LBP for the same reason it sounds like you want it - a change of pace. I was the same way, tons of shooters. LBP is a game that everyone can enjoy though.

And don't worry about your english. I could tell it wasn't your first language, and I got enough information out of your post so it's all good!