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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix: Xbox 360 Final Fantasy XIII Is Not A Betrayal Or Disappointment

First Square Enix says this in the article:

I'd rather they not think of this as a "betrayal" or disappointment. It's not like we're canceling or delaying the PS3 version at all! It's more of an added bonus for 360 fans. We won't be putting them at a disadvantage in any way.

Then this

Producer Yoshinori Kitase explains that the team is currently working on the PS3 version and is at a point where the developers can put the build on BRD. After the PS3 version is completed, they'll focus on the Xbox 360. And then it'll be on the Xbox 360. Kitase ensures that just because Square Enix is doing an Xbox 360 port, it doesn't mean there will be a drop in quality or a reduction in scope for the PS3 version.

Someone gets what I am referring to?

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Everyone seem to forget that Star Ocean IV is exclusive on the Xbox 360, that's enough betrayal for me! So screw it Squeenix with your silly talks, I ain't buy it.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

konnichiwa said:

First Square Enix says this in the article:

I'd rather they not think of this as a "betrayal" or disappointment. It's not like we're canceling or delaying the PS3 version at all! It's more of an added bonus for 360 fans. We won't be putting them at a disadvantage in any way.

Then this

Producer Yoshinori Kitase explains that the team is currently working on the PS3 version and is at a point where the developers can put the build on BRD. After the PS3 version is completed, they'll focus on the Xbox 360. And then it'll be on the Xbox 360. Kitase ensures that just because Square Enix is doing an Xbox 360 port, it doesn't mean there will be a drop in quality or a reduction in scope for the PS3 version.

Someone gets what I am referring to?


yea we have gone over this, its coming out in japan when the ps3 version is done, then it needs to be translated, at the same time it will be ported, translating has generally taken 6 months or longer, so plenty of time to move it to the 360, and then add on the translation late to the 360 while play testing is going on with both. at worst expect to see patches for the 360 version due to less play testing, since it will not have the benifit of the early japanese release 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

*~Onna76~* said:
Everyone seem to forget that Star Ocean IV is exclusive on the Xbox 360, that's enough betrayal for me! So screw it Squeenix with your silly talks, I ain't buy it.


 The Xbox 360 is pretty cheap in Europe now so maybe you should jump in. :)  You'll get to play some great JRPGs and other amazing games as well (Fable 2 is incredible).

Legend11 said:
*~Onna76~* said:
Everyone seem to forget that Star Ocean IV is exclusive on the Xbox 360, that's enough betrayal for me! So screw it Squeenix with your silly talks, I ain't buy it.


 The Xbox 360 is pretty cheap in Europe now so maybe you should jump in. :)  You'll get to play some great JRPGs and other amazing games as well (Fable 2 is incredible).

Good try Legend11.  Anyway Onna76 tell me why you don't get a X360 :)?


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Bodhesatva said:

It fascinates me that such a discussion is even necessary at all. "Betrayal?" Let's save that word for something more serious than, say, a fantasy video game releasing on two video game systems instead of one.

The loss of perspective is so extreme in some cases.

What on earth could possibly be more serious than that?


So it will be like Resident Evil 4: first optimized to GC, then ported to PS2.






Bodhesatva said:

It fascinates me that such a discussion is even necessary at all. "Betrayal?" Let's save that word for something more serious than, say, a fantasy video game releasing on two video game systems instead of one.

The loss of perspective is so extreme in some cases.


 Honor and Respect, especially in Japan. Words in Japan are more worth than a signed contract.   Back at the day we at quicksilver we wanted to send some leftovers to a store in Nagoya to a mister called Furuoka. At the end of the week my boss changed plans and sended it to a store close to Sapporo (because they offered more) we got a polite letter from Furuoka where he wished all our children will be end up being morons and that our lifes may be short and miserable. Sended him a nice letter back where I called him Furuoka-kun oh boy was he mad.  Ah good times.

Remember back the day with squaresoft and Nintendo and what happened with FFVII?  How long did it take before Squaresoft was allowed to talk again with Nintendo?  Exactly..

konnichiwa said:

First Square Enix says this in the article:

I'd rather they not think of this as a "betrayal" or disappointment. It's not like we're canceling or delaying the PS3 version at all! It's more of an added bonus for 360 fans. We won't be putting them at a disadvantage in any way.

Then this

Producer Yoshinori Kitase explains that the team is currently working on the PS3 version and is at a point where the developers can put the build on BRD. After the PS3 version is completed, they'll focus on the Xbox 360. And then it'll be on the Xbox 360. Kitase ensures that just because Square Enix is doing an Xbox 360 port, it doesn't mean there will be a drop in quality or a reduction in scope for the PS3 version.

Someone gets what I am referring to?

I get it. You are making an assumption what they are going to delay it because of the port. Completely missing the fact what translating the game will take much longer than porting it to X360. But anyway, good try.


I bought game cube for "legend of Zelda twilight princess" which they then ported to Wii as a launch title.
I bought a Wii for Wii fit
I bought PS3 for my JRPGs at $599
I bought a 360 at $350 when I heard "star ocean 4" was an exclusive.
(I will admit I was pretty pissed at the time although now I am enjoying other exclusive RPGs as well)

Not everyone can spare the cash to buy all three consoles.

Enough Said...