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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 4 out of 5 nominations for game of the year are on ps3, 2 exclusive

Grand Theft Auto 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Fallout 3, Littlebigplanet and Gears of war 2

GTA4 would deserve it. Despite all the whining its an amazing game. With some of the best writing and attention to detail in gaming history. I will agree that it was a slow starter though. But some of the later missions like the bank robbery were breathtaking.

- MGS4 urks Japanese games. (Definitely amazing production values and for people who like the storyline it must be like christmas and easter together but from an objective standpoint: hours and hours of cutscenes with a convoluted and rambling storyline simply are no good game design.)

- Fallout 3: Didn't play it yet. I feared that it would be Oblivion in the future but apparently its a really good game

- LittleBigPlanet: Fresh, interesting, fun. Not game of the year material though. Its similar to some Wii games more a toy than a game. I am firmly on the side of big blockbuster games with great storylines and action-packed gameplay.

- GoW2: Cool graphics but somehow Gears puts me off. The huge-armored marines, the curb-stomping, the third-person shooter gameplay. It simply lacks the charm of for example the Halo universe.

as a PS3 owner 2009 with

God of War3,
GT5 (hopefully),
Team Ico game?

looks more interesting. (What are the big multiplatform games 2009? Call of Duty6?,

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IMO Haze will win hands down... it will be a surprise pick, youl see ;) :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

KylieDog said:
MGS4 -is- a shooter, with some optional stealth tactics.

FPS games can often be played stealthily too, like GoldenEye, doesn't change the fact of what they are.

Is why MGS4 sucks balls. It got the stealth/action ratio reversed.


MGS4 puts so much empashisis on stealth that it can't be considered as a shooter alone , but it has alot of shooter elements so it can't be considered stealth alone. You won't find alot of the stealth elements in MGS4 in games like Gears  Or Killzone so that argument fails even if you try to play them stealthily.


MGS4 can be a shooter or a stealth game depending on how you choose to play .

No Super Smash Bros. = Fail
MGS4 deserves to win this though.

Pretendo said:
No Super Smash Bros. = Fail
MGS4 deserves to win this though.

No Brawl deserves to win it.  And then Fallout 3.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


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scottie said:
Kantor said:
scottie said:
Kantor said:
scottie said:
shooter, shooter, rpg/shooter, platformer, shooter



Stealth game, Sandbox game, RPG Shooter, Platformer, Shooter.




GTA3 was a sandbox game

MGS3 was probably a stealth game (never played it)


GTA4 and MGS4 were shooters


sorry champ

You can beat MGS4 without firing a bullet. Well, no you can't. But you can beat MGS4 without killing a single person.

GTA's focus is not on shooting, it is on taking your friends out for dates and then killing them and whatnot.

So, GTA is a sandbox, MGS is a stealth game.



I've actually played this game you know, so you're going to have to do better than that.


Yes, you can go through the game using the tranq gun, but that's still a shooter, not stealth


I think i really depends on the difficulty levels, on easy mode you can treat it as a shooter, on the harder one's, especially big boss mode, going out guns-a-blazing is suicide and will get you endless hours of fustration.

If you treat MGS as nothing more than a shooter, then you're pretty much ignoring the best element of the game. MGS as a shooter sucks, there are plenty of better shooter out there.