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Grand Theft Auto 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Fallout 3, Littlebigplanet and Gears of war 2

GTA4 would deserve it. Despite all the whining its an amazing game. With some of the best writing and attention to detail in gaming history. I will agree that it was a slow starter though. But some of the later missions like the bank robbery were breathtaking.

- MGS4 urks Japanese games. (Definitely amazing production values and for people who like the storyline it must be like christmas and easter together but from an objective standpoint: hours and hours of cutscenes with a convoluted and rambling storyline simply are no good game design.)

- Fallout 3: Didn't play it yet. I feared that it would be Oblivion in the future but apparently its a really good game

- LittleBigPlanet: Fresh, interesting, fun. Not game of the year material though. Its similar to some Wii games more a toy than a game. I am firmly on the side of big blockbuster games with great storylines and action-packed gameplay.

- GoW2: Cool graphics but somehow Gears puts me off. The huge-armored marines, the curb-stomping, the third-person shooter gameplay. It simply lacks the charm of for example the Halo universe.

as a PS3 owner 2009 with

God of War3,
GT5 (hopefully),
Team Ico game?

looks more interesting. (What are the big multiplatform games 2009? Call of Duty6?,