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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you want in Assassin's Creed 2?

RSEagle said:
How about something other to do than the main objectives and the save citizen battles? It would be cool if there were actual side quests, things to buy, people to talk to, etc.

Also, please for the love of God stop the looping dialogue! I can't tell you how many times I'd be on a roof and hear the same line about the Crusades over and over.

Oh and they better stop asking what is that man doing etc.

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Munkeh111 said:
RSEagle said:
How about something other to do than the main objectives and the save citizen battles? It would be cool if there were actual side quests, things to buy, people to talk to, etc.

Also, please for the love of God stop the looping dialogue! I can't tell you how many times I'd be on a roof and hear the same line about the Crusades over and over.

Oh and they better stop asking what is that man doing etc.

LOL this.

more varied missions,alot better graphics(really show what the 360 and ps3 can do),more weapons,new moves,get rid of the finding flags crap and replace them with medals hidden around each area( when u find so many u get a trophy), a online co-op mode and a multiplayer mode where u have assassins hunt each other down and have objects u have to get before other ppl or groups do.





subtitles.....or rather, better audio mixing.

I loved the first game, so i am glad to hear any bit of info on a a new game. It was repetitive, so I hope they add more varied side quests, and other missions. Give us something to do in the world outside the main cities other then find flags.

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I'd like another ranged weapon, like a carabine or simply a crossbow XDDD, the 1st game was ok but too short, the idea of the french revolution is excellent! Also I wold like a different storyline, this one was a little poor, and the gameplay to be similar, also better graphics would make it a perfect game... the idea of the standarts was very good, it made the game a lot more challenging...

My console sales prediction for the end of 2009?? [made January 2 2009]
PS3: 30M -- XBox 360: 40M -- Wii: 72M -- PSP: 65M -- NDS: 138M

i can't wait. hopefully there will be some great trophies to earn on the PS3 version.

An ancient Rome setting would be interesting, or ancient china, or ancient Egypt, or the bush administration years! Man I need to write this down!

kergeten said:
An ancient Rome setting would be interesting, or ancient china, or ancient Egypt, or the bush administration years! Man I need to write this down!

Oooh, I like these ideas! the problem is continuing the franchise, and making it fit into the story with the sci-fi setting, I wonder what they will do with that

i want to be able to go from one city to another without getting on a horse.