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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you want in Assassin's Creed 2?

I'm sure many of you have read that the second Assassins Creed is now official. I was one of the people who really enjoyed the game and I'm deffinitly looking forward to the sequel.

This morning, I was snooping on the web looking for any information on the game and I found this:

I'm not sure how reliable it is, but how do you take to a French Revolution setting for the sequel? Assuming the article is absolute bogus, what would you like to see in the new iteration? For those who were dissapointed by the first one, what could Ubisoft do to get you back?

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Since they already confirmed that Altair can swim in the sequel - I have no idea

I like the Ferench Revolution idea. I loved AC even though it was repetitive. Hopefully, the developers can make the sequel even better.

That would be interested, but I would really love the rumoured Ninja setting.

I hope they develop the sci-fi plot as well

Also, it will feature Desmond at the very least, as Nolan North has said he is working on the voices (and for Uncharted as well!), and I think they will stick with Altair as he is so iconic

They should have more things for you to do because AC was really repetitive and i would like to see more weapons and have things to do but walk like a retard outside the machine i forgot what it was called lol

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More variety in visuals, and make it 100% less repetitive.



I think the a futuristic sci-fi setting would be best to round out the trilogy(it is still a trilogy, isn't it?). Either french revolution or maybe the Napoleonic wars would be pretty good I think.

Mistershine said:
I think the a futuristic sci-fi setting would be best to round out the trilogy(it is still a trilogy, isn't it?). Either french revolution or maybe the Napoleonic wars would be pretty good I think.

That sounds good, I would assume a game set in the French revolution would cover the years from 1790-1815, I assume it would end at Waterloo (who in Britain does not want to relive the final defeat of the French!)

As leo-j said. less repetitive That massive world they built for the first game was wasted on trite little missions that repeated again and again.

I big problem for me (bigger than the repetition of gameplay) was the story. That may be too big a problem to fix.

Also, a slightly better and more consistent framerate would be nice.

_mevildan said:
As leo-j said. less repetitive That massive world they built for the first game was wasted on trite little missions that repeated again and again.

I big problem for me (bigger than the repetition of gameplay) was the story. That may be too big a problem to fix.

Also, a slightly better and more consistent framerate would be nice.


 I never noticed any framerate drops/problems.