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Forums - Website Topics - How should VGChartz score its reviews?


How should VGChartz score its reviews?

Keep the current letter g... 244 13.49%
Score out of 100% using each point. 787 43.50%
Score out of 10 using half points. 349 19.29%
Score out of 10 using whole points. 103 5.69%
Switch to a 5-star system. 88 4.86%
Don't use grades at all, just text. 238 13.16%

letters are subjective! either do a number or like what the source says, pecent like 98 percent

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I'm leaning towards keeping the letters but publishing a numerical conversion in parentheses for the overall grade, but a poll will be up shortly.


- Out of 10 using any points (9.1, 9.2, etc) or
- Percents (90%, 100%, etc)

Letters is okay but letters aren't specific enough. a B is from about 73-77 which is a fairly reasonable distance.

I would say eliminate the grade/number system entirely. If the review can be accurately boiled down to one or two lines then why bother writing the rest of it? If it can't be boiled down so simply then what do the numbers actually represent?

Alternatively you can use the scale I invented to accurately communicate whether a game is worth playing or not. I call it the Treasure Scale For Game Reviews. A game is given a rating of Made by Treasure, or Not Made by Treasure. No other information is really relevant after that.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229


I don't understand why people care about scores. What the reviews says is much more important than the arbitrary numbers/letter they place at the end. Just make sure to have a neat summary of the main points and a concluding paragraph that sums up the general opinion of the game, that way people who want a 'quick' rundown only have to read a few sentences to get the gist.

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Why is A better than B ? 10 is better then 9, why do you count backwards with letters? It makes no sense. It get even more confusing when a + or – is added. How much is a C+? I’m sure when your from America its all very logical and simple, but many visitors on this site are from countries that don’t use this strange system of scoring. I don’t like it at all. Anything is better than letters in my opinion.

DMeisterJ said:
I like out of five, but whole numbers. A sweeping generalization of sorts. So it's not too tied to a review bracket.

I also like reviews that don't give scores, like Kotaku. Just say what you like, what you don't, and leave it at that.

Doesn't really matter to me though, IGN is the only site whose reviews I trust.

I agree! I love Kotaku's reviews. They end with a Loved It/Hated It section and tell you what exactly they played of it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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TWRoO said:

Make it as simple as possible, we don't want all the "this game got 1% more" stuff.

Exactly. The % system may be the "standard", but then you'd also be saddled with all the ridiculous baggage that comes along with it.

The EGSU system sounds fine. Actually, I was thinking of a simple 5 star system, which is easy enough to convert to "points" or % for those who feel they must. I don't like the ABCDF system because of the ambiguity about how it indicates an average score. However, if you do decide to stick with ABCDF, I would prefer the removal of plusses and minuses. A five-point scale is sufficient.

Honestly, a two-point scale (thumbs up/thumbs down) would rock.  :)

TWRoO said:

@Machina... why do they need to be compared to other review sites....

Agreed. Dare to be different/better!

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TheSource said:

Just say "worth a buy", "worth a rent", "wait til its cheaper", "play if your buddy has it", "avoid like the plague"

To hell with nuance.

I'd stick with the 5 letter system, but have these be the 5 definitions for the letters.  Use + and - for borderlines.

Damn numbers to hell. Damn grades too. The Source has it right. numbers and grades only serve to ruin reviews. Take a stand VGchartz. Fight for review quality!

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Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

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