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Forums - Website Topics - How should VGChartz score its reviews?


How should VGChartz score its reviews?

Keep the current letter g... 244 13.49%
Score out of 100% using each point. 787 43.50%
Score out of 10 using half points. 349 19.29%
Score out of 10 using whole points. 103 5.69%
Switch to a 5-star system. 88 4.86%
Don't use grades at all, just text. 238 13.16%

Make it as simple as possible, we don't want all the "this game got 1% more" stuff.

I like the EGSU method which we used to get awarded before SATs (exams in year 9 (13-14yo) )



Except perhaps add an extra level on top "Outstanding" or another level below instead. ("Terrible" ?)

@Machina... why do they need to be compared to other review sites.... the reviews should stand on their own and shouldn't be converted to percentages by aggregate review sites like Metacritic... reviews are a means for people to understand if a game they were interested in is worth buying, not for comparing 1 game to another because it comes down to opinion way too much then.... just because a reviewer liked Halo 3 more then Resistance (and thus gave them 95% and 85% respectively) doesn't mean the purchaser would like Halo 3 more.

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Letter. Anything more than about 10 different scores and it becomes too dependent on personal opinion and the current numbering system used by reviewers tends to rate too high.

the magazine i trust gave LBP a 100%, Fallout3 a 100% and Gears 2 a 96%

3 different reviewers and all 3 are right in a way

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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I really like it when reviewers review the games without giving a set score.

i say fuck letters.. start using symbols.

$_$ < good production values

@_@ < Shocking, extreme, action !

-_-  <lame, wtf man...

¤_¤ <another.. symbollic.. erm.. yea i dunno wtf this is.. looks like it's constipated.

Ok.. making a review of these

$_$ @_o <-- Awesome looking, half action packed game.. voila..

... lol :P

Anyways, seriously i think a 10 point system is the best :) (you should do decimals though. Like .1 and not just .5)

ULTRA EDIT: On another thought, do it like TWRoO suggests. ... crap blue XD

It's a very good idea, and it might steam away some of the more rabid fanboys.. :P


Check out my game about moles ^

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TheSource said:

Just say "worth a buy", "worth a rent", "wait til its cheaper", "play if your buddy has it", "avoid like the plague"

To hell with nuance.


I love this method, and wish all reviewers used this. If only because a "7.0" to some reviewers means the game is horrible, and to others it means the game is decent. That's inconsistent!

In addition... using EGSU cuts out the bit where you are basically trying to rate the game, and instead is giving it a description.

Soriku said:
kirby007 said:
Score out of 100% using each point (98%, 82%, etc.)

Then it's easy too compare with other review sources


What he said.


What they said.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

TheSource said:

Just say "worth a buy", "worth a rent", "wait til its cheaper", "play if your buddy has it", "avoid like the plague"

To hell with nuance.



 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

Staude said:

EDIT: On another thought, do it like TWRoO suggests. ... crap blue XD

It's a very good idea, and it might steam away some of the more rabid fanboys.. :P

Thanks Staude.

Although I just noticed DKII has in the OP something about a none graded sstem not being feasable.... It depends on what the "various reasons" are behind not wanting this... but if it is just due to the want to have the score next to a list of games in the "reviews" section then EGSU may be a way of getting around giving games "grades" as such, but still being able to view a mini-opinion on the game when it is in a list... ie:

U - Sports Party
S - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
O - Super Mario Galaxy
E - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
G - Super Swing Golf

The colours might need to be different because yellow is hard to see, but there is your range of 5 from Outstanding down to Unsatisfactory.