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i say fuck letters.. start using symbols.

$_$ < good production values

@_@ < Shocking, extreme, action !

-_-  <lame, wtf man...

¤_¤ <another.. symbollic.. erm.. yea i dunno wtf this is.. looks like it's constipated.

Ok.. making a review of these

$_$ @_o <-- Awesome looking, half action packed game.. voila..

... lol :P

Anyways, seriously i think a 10 point system is the best :) (you should do decimals though. Like .1 and not just .5)

ULTRA EDIT: On another thought, do it like TWRoO suggests. ... crap blue XD

It's a very good idea, and it might steam away some of the more rabid fanboys.. :P


Check out my game about moles ^