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Make it as simple as possible, we don't want all the "this game got 1% more" stuff.

I like the EGSU method which we used to get awarded before SATs (exams in year 9 (13-14yo) )



Except perhaps add an extra level on top "Outstanding" or another level below instead. ("Terrible" ?)

@Machina... why do they need to be compared to other review sites.... the reviews should stand on their own and shouldn't be converted to percentages by aggregate review sites like Metacritic... reviews are a means for people to understand if a game they were interested in is worth buying, not for comparing 1 game to another because it comes down to opinion way too much then.... just because a reviewer liked Halo 3 more then Resistance (and thus gave them 95% and 85% respectively) doesn't mean the purchaser would like Halo 3 more.