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Forums - General Discussion - WSJ: Democracy loses if Prop. 8 is overturned.

Grey Acumen said:
WessleWoggle said:
Grey Acumen said:

I find it funny how quick gay people tend to throw around terms like homophobe and bible basher, as if I've even mentioned god at all, and haven't expressly pointed out that I don't really care if that's what you want. My blood and the blood of "people like me" will hardly boil if we see two guys kiss.
Yep, "people like me" must be such bigots. It sure is terrible how we make sweeping uninformed opinions about individuals based on what views we have of their group. You guys are just so much better than us, and your opinions must be far more valid than ours too.


But anyway, if it's connected to brain metabolism, then does that mean it's treatable? From what you just quoted me there, homosexual tendencies are being compared to a mental disorder. They treat people with depression, why not homosexuality? I mean think about it, Damkira just said; "Most people wouldn't choose that because there are so many hateful bigots like yourself who try to make life difficult for us" well there we go! We just need to do a little more research on the subject, and then soon it WILL be your choice!

So what will the argument be for homosexuality then?


Yes, lots of people wouldn't choose to be gay, but lots of people also would feeling dishonest with themselves because they're denying their true thoughts.

It still good, feels right for some people, and it'a not harming anyone. Same argument as right now.

Deny their true thoughts? So a person with depression feels dishonest with their thoughts? They can't control how they feel after all, or how their mind works, the treatments they have are designed to help them regain that control. I hardly see how autism hurts people, they just don't socialize well, but there are treatments and research to try to help with that. Mind you, I'm referring to the less intense examples that don't actually lead to depression or the inability to care for themselves, but they still have treatment for those people too.

So why not homosexuality? What makes this part of their nature somehow their "true thoughts" such that denying it would be dishonest? We have drugs for impotence too. Them not having sex doesn't harm anyone, but we have treatments for that. Or are you going to claim that NOT having sex harms people? Are they denying their true nature by taking viagra or whatever the latest brand is?

I still having nothing against homosexuals, I just don't feel its an acceptable activity. I even specify that I have no issues even with a relationship between two men or two women, that's hardly unacceptable at all, the only part I don't accept is the idea that those relationships need to include sex somehow. I've listed out my reasons why I feel that way about a page or two ago. Yet people are claiming MY logic is flawed, so I assume they have some examples that actually make sense here. I've yet to see them.

First of all, you come off as a complete asshole.

And second of all, part of the problem with the world today is we are so quick to label everything a disease and treat it with medicine.  Medicine alters your biochemistry, so in many ways it changes who you are as a person.  Anti-depression medication, for instance, can severely alter a person's personality.  Personally, I think way too many people are on medication in general.  Its essentially the easy way out.  You don't have to address your actual problems and can just cover them up with medication.

I am not advocating that no one should take anti-depression medication, and I think there are certain medications that MORE people should be on (like high blood pressure medication), but your argument is extremely weak that the best solution, or even an appropriate solution, to people "curing their gayness" is medication.  You come off sounding like a fascist.


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

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Grey Acumen said:

I find it funny how quick gay people tend to throw around terms like homophobe and bible basher, as if I've even mentioned god at all, and haven't expressly pointed out that I don't really care if that's what you want. My blood and the blood of "people like me" will hardly boil if we see two guys kiss.
Yep, "people like me" must be such bigots. It sure is terrible how we make sweeping uninformed opinions about individuals based on what views we have of their group. You guys are just so much better than us, and your opinions must be far more valid than ours too.


But anyway, if it's connected to brain metabolism, then does that mean it's treatable? From what you just quoted me there, homosexual tendencies are being compared to a mental disorder. They treat people with depression, why not homosexuality? I mean think about it, Damkira just said; "Most people wouldn't choose that because there are so many hateful bigots like yourself who try to make life difficult for us" well there we go! We just need to do a little more research on the subject, and then soon it WILL be your choice!

So what will the argument be for homosexuality then?

Its amazing that you think I should try to change my sexuality in order to conform with what you think is right. It seems like you are the one who could benefit from some counseling. Megalomania is not generally a good thing.

and yes, it sure is terrible how you make sweeping uninformed opinions about individuals based on what views you must have of a group.

Psychology is not my area of expertise and it clearly isn't yours... So lets see what the American Psychological Association has to say about whether gay people choose to be that way or can change:


(Chicago, August 14, 1997). The Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association (APA) has passed a resolution affirming four basic principles with regard to treatments to alter sexual orientation, so-called conversion or reparative therapies.

These principles are:

  • Homosexuality is not a mental disorder and the APA opposes all portrayals of lesbian, gay and bisexual people as mentally ill and in need of treatment due to their sexual orientation;


  • Psychologists do not knowingly participate in or condone discriminatory practices with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients;


  • Psychologists respect the rights of individuals, including lesbian, gay and bisexual clients to privacy, confidentiality, self-determination and autonomy;


  • Psychologists obtain appropriate informed consent to therapy in their work with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients.

The resolution further states that the APA "urges all mental health professionals to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with homosexual orientation."

Supporters of the resolution, which passed the APA Council overwhelmingly by a voice vote, believed that it was critical for the Association to make such a statement due to the questions of the ethics, efficacy and benefits of conversion therapy which are now being debated within the profession and within society as a whole.

"Our concern," stated Douglas Haldeman, Ph.D., President of APA's Society for the Psychological Study Of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues, "is that a person, especially a young person, who enters into therapy to deal with issues of sexual orientation should be able to have the expectation that such therapy would take place in a professionally neutral environment absent of any societal bias. Additionally, therapists should be providing clients with accurate information about same-sex sexual orientation. This resolution reasserts the profession's commitment to those two principles."

The APA Council of Representatives is the major legislative and policy-setting body of the organization. The American Psychological Association (APA), in Washington, DC, is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world's largest association of psychologists. APA's membership includes more than 151,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Through its divisions in 50 subfields of psychology and affiliations with 58 state, territorial and Canadian provincial associations, APA works to advance psychology as a science, as a profession and as a means of promoting human welfare.


but then I suppose you know more about the subject than the largest profession group of psychologists in the US.

Thank you Damkira for posting that. I had decided to stay out of this thread but I would hate to leave that opinion unchallenged. The official stance of psychologists is that sexual orientation is like race. Yes it can cause a lot of problems, but you don't try and change that. You deal with the problems caused by the way a person is born because that is not inherently harmful to anyone.

Grey you are being fairly two-faced here. You keep saying you don't care what people do in the prvacy of their own homes, and then go on to talk about how we should "treat" homosexuality. You say it doesn't bother you who decides to do what behind closed doors, but you are against giving the people equal benefits based on what is going on behind closed doors.

And your logic is flawed. What is or is not acceptable to you means jack and shit. The question is does it harm anyone? The correct answer is no, it does not. You use an interesting and antiquated sense of morality to justify your opinion, but life is not so simple. We have an over-populated world growing at an exponential rate. A few people deciding to not pop out a bunch more kids is to the benefit of the world right now.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

damkira said:
Grey Acumen said:

I find it funny how quick gay people tend to throw around terms like homophobe and bible basher, as if I've even mentioned god at all, and haven't expressly pointed out that I don't really care if that's what you want. My blood and the blood of "people like me" will hardly boil if we see two guys kiss.
Yep, "people like me" must be such bigots. It sure is terrible how we make sweeping uninformed opinions about individuals based on what views we have of their group. You guys are just so much better than us, and your opinions must be far more valid than ours too.


But anyway, if it's connected to brain metabolism, then does that mean it's treatable? From what you just quoted me there, homosexual tendencies are being compared to a mental disorder. They treat people with depression, why not homosexuality? I mean think about it, Damkira just said; "Most people wouldn't choose that because there are so many hateful bigots like yourself who try to make life difficult for us" well there we go! We just need to do a little more research on the subject, and then soon it WILL be your choice!

So what will the argument be for homosexuality then?

Its amazing that you think I should try to change my sexuality in order to conform with what you think is right. It seems like you are the one who could benefit from some counseling. Megalomania is not generally a good thing.

and yes, it sure is terrible how you make sweeping uninformed opinions about individuals based on what views you must have of a group.

Psychology is not my area of expertise and it clearly isn't yours... So lets see what the American Psychological Association has to say about whether gay people choose to be that way or can change:


(Chicago, August 14, 1997). The Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association (APA) has passed a resolution affirming four basic principles with regard to treatments to alter sexual orientation, so-called conversion or reparative therapies.

These principles are:

  • Homosexuality is not a mental disorder and the APA opposes all portrayals of lesbian, gay and bisexual people as mentally ill and in need of treatment due to their sexual orientation;


  • Psychologists do not knowingly participate in or condone discriminatory practices with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients;


  • Psychologists respect the rights of individuals, including lesbian, gay and bisexual clients to privacy, confidentiality, self-determination and autonomy;


  • Psychologists obtain appropriate informed consent to therapy in their work with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients.

The resolution further states that the APA "urges all mental health professionals to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with homosexual orientation."

Supporters of the resolution, which passed the APA Council overwhelmingly by a voice vote, believed that it was critical for the Association to make such a statement due to the questions of the ethics, efficacy and benefits of conversion therapy which are now being debated within the profession and within society as a whole.

"Our concern," stated Douglas Haldeman, Ph.D., President of APA's Society for the Psychological Study Of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues, "is that a person, especially a young person, who enters into therapy to deal with issues of sexual orientation should be able to have the expectation that such therapy would take place in a professionally neutral environment absent of any societal bias. Additionally, therapists should be providing clients with accurate information about same-sex sexual orientation. This resolution reasserts the profession's commitment to those two principles."

The APA Council of Representatives is the major legislative and policy-setting body of the organization. The American Psychological Association (APA), in Washington, DC, is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world's largest association of psychologists. APA's membership includes more than 151,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Through its divisions in 50 subfields of psychology and affiliations with 58 state, territorial and Canadian provincial associations, APA works to advance psychology as a science, as a profession and as a means of promoting human welfare.


but then I suppose you know more about the subject than the largest profession group of psychologists in the US.

Its amazing what happens when someone brings facts into an argument...


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

It kills a perfectly good thread.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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WessleWoggle said:
Grey Acumen said:
WessleWoggle said:


Yes, lots of people wouldn't choose to be gay, but lots of people also would feeling dishonest with themselves because they're denying their true thoughts.

It still good, feels right for some people, and it'a not harming anyone. Same argument as right now.

Deny their true thoughts? So a person with depression feels dishonest with their thoughts? They can't control how they feel after all, or how their mind works, the treatments they have are designed to help them regain that control. I hardly see how autism hurts people, they just don't socialize well, but there are treatments and research to try to help with that. Mind you, I'm referring to the less intense examples that don't actually lead to depression or the inability to care for themselves, but they still have treatment for those people too.

So why not homosexuality? What makes this part of their nature somehow their "true thoughts" such that denying it would be dishonest? We have drugs for impotence too. Them not having sex doesn't harm anyone, but we have treatments for that. Or are you going to claim that NOT having sex harms people? Are they denying their true nature by taking viagra or whatever the latest brand is?

I still having nothing against homosexuals, I just don't feel its an acceptable activity. I even specify that I have no issues even with a relationship between two men or two women, that's hardly unacceptable at all, the only part I don't accept is the idea that those relationships need to include sex somehow. I've listed out my reasons why I feel that way about a page or two ago. Yet people are claiming MY logic is flawed, so I assume they have some examples that actually make sense here. I've yet to see them.

Well, to start off, depression is natural, so is being a crazy murderer for some people. But, what do these things do? Depression causes the individual harm, a need to murder causes others harm. Harm is bad. Homosexuality is different because it's a function of love and passion, not sadness or madness. People who do wrongs or have negative disorders SHOULD deny their true thoughs, to reduce harm to themselves and others. What does treating homosexuals fix except other's bigotry?

Impotent people not having sex harms themself and their sex drive, and their sexual partner if they have one. Also, if someone wants to have sex but is impotent, their true nature is wanting to have sex. Your body and your mind are different things, and for most people limp noodle is often caused by physical problems, rather than emotional ones. They're are some who are denying their true thoughts with anti-impotence medicine, but most just have old penises or disorders and need a jump.

Why is it unacceptable? I looked at your posts here, and the reasons I found were.... (I put them in numbers so you can refute them easily )

1. Parenting, Father and mother better parents. So? 2 Dads are better than nothing. Weak argument, I know, but I consider yours weak as well, because lots of poeple are messed up with perfect parents, and lots turn out great with abusive rapist parents. Some actually turn out better for their abusive parent and make the world a better place. Same sex parents might actually be better for children of different minds. Not everyone's equal when it comes to needs in parents.

2. You think it's a choice. I do think it's a choice from my own experience, but a choice that can't be unmade without deluding yourself. But I also think being straight, asexual, bisexual, pedophile, zoosexual, are also choices. I think people have a natural disposition to one of the states from their brain chemestry, hormones, and genes. I was naturally straight but I chose that I didn't find the idea repulsive, and now I can't unlearn that. Lesson: Knowledge is the devil. Hahahahaha... Don't eat the fruit!!!

3. Unnatural intercouse. I don't believe in the concept of natural and unatural. Everything we do is natural because we're part of nature, unnatural is just a term used by those who want to bring institutions, scientific advancements, and people down, without a real reason. Who cares if it's natural, it feels good, harms no one. If you weren't predisposed to be against it you wouldn't have any problem with it and you would think it's natural, or at least not unnatural.

4. You can't understand why you'd be interested in another guy's cock. Well, I can tell you my reasons if it helps. Cock(or just any phallic shaped object) feels good in your ass, because it stimulates the prostate gland, creating orgasms so intense, normal orgasms, even your best ones, pale in comparison. What's wrong with the cock? It's the same thing as a clitoris, but with male genes activating it to grow different. Also, If I liked a guy, I'd suck him off because I would get off on giving him pleasure, so it's win-win for me. You wouldn't get off on it though like me because of your social and/or religious stigma. 

5. You think it's animalistic behavior. It is, we're animals, and it's not insulting. "Are you saying beastiality should be accepted and supported among humans because they apparently don't have a choice?" Yes, it should be supported and accepted, because some animals like receiving sexual stimulation from humans. It would be tricky to implement though, but with procedures and tests one could prove the animal liked it, and was not getting violated. What's wrong with animal love if no one is harmed? I feel the same way about all conduct... No harm = Not wrong.

6. If everyone was gay/straight argument. Well, It's not like that for a reason... Gays are natures birth control.

I'm responding to you, since you've actually read what i've said and not just randomly inserted your own words for what you'd respond to. Some of your responses are excellent, some are... well i'll get into that later.

The other points I see here are "you want to force gays to become straight and that's wrong!" When did I say that? Do I think it's right to force someone to take antidepressants? I SPECIFICALLY STATED "So why shouldn't they have the option? After all, if a gay person actually WANTS to be straight, but can't, why can't we give him or her REAL help in doing that?"

or alternately "this group of people says so, and they know more than you do, so you're wrong" congratulations, you've just turned a scientific institution into a church. Especially when all they really said is essentially; "our stance is we have no stance" and you're using it as justification.

1.) This is a good point, no argument against it.

4.) I already know that reason, but don't see why you need another guy for that. Fingers work perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned.

6.) This is an interesting concept, but then what sets it off? Overcrowding? this would certainly be a possible explaination as to why homosexuality seems to be far more open and prevalent in places like Japan, other Eastern countries as well as other areas of high population density.

my issue with your other points basically falls into the problems of weakening personal responsibility. you shoudl just do what you want as long as no one gets hurt? Sorry, that's a very slippery slope which kinda bridged right into:

5.) Seriously, no. It's one thing to have an open mind, but there is a limit to that, and this is precisely the reason why. I will applaud you for trying not to be a hypocrite though.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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steven787 said:

If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it.


So NOW you care about everyone. Funny how you change your views of who should get liberty based on the argument.

I love this thread. One for educating people like Gray Acumen on how is views are just down right insensible, and secondly, because everyone who is trying to do so uses the same principles they fought against when arguing with me.

So I will change Steven's quote for him.

If liberty isn't guaranteed for everyone who is not rich, then no one truly has it.

There, that's I think how you mean it.

steven787 said:

If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it.


So NOW you care about everyone. Funny how you change your views of who should get liberty based on the argument.

I love this thread. One for educating people like Gray Acumen on how is views are just down right insensible, and secondly, because everyone who is trying to do so uses the same principles they fought against when arguing with me.

So I will change Steven's quote for him.

If liberty isn't guaranteed for everyone who is not rich, then no one truly has it.

There, that's I think how you mean it.

TheRealMafoo said:
steven787 said:

If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it.


So NOW you care about everyone. Funny how you change your views of who should get liberty based on the argument.

I love this thread. One for educating people like Gray Acumen on how is views are just down right insensible, and secondly, because everyone who is trying to do so uses the same principles they fought against when arguing with me.

So I will change Steven's quote for him.

If liberty isn't guaranteed for everyone who is not rich, then no one truly has it.

There, that's I think how you mean it.


My position has never changed, since I've been on VGC.  In all reality true liberty can never exist because humans will result to killing and enslaving each other unless force is threatened.

You can go into my post history, you'll find something to this effect:

Rich people get more out of the system, because a secure, stable system allows them to keep their wealth.  When the rich and educated do not take responsibility for that system, it is their lack of foresight that caused the mob comes to take power by force. 

Money does not equal liberty.  Money is just one thing that we are allowed to pursue in a free society.  Just like everything else, when we use that freedom we are expected to contribute to the system. 

Money just gets more attention because we can see it, feel it, and count it.  When we use free speech we are expect to not incite violence or openly display pornography.

When we buy a gun we are expected to not walk openly with it. 

When we travel we are expected to leave weapons behind and act civily. 

When we want to openly protest in a group we are expected to tell the authorities ahead of time so they can provide security for the group and for potential opposition. 

Liberty and living in a free country doesn't mean that we don't have compulsory obligations.  No one is forcing someone to become rich, they choose to be rich and know that they will have to pay more taxes on each bracket; in return they get to enjoy more of the fruit of the free nation.  The reason why taxes aren't paid below poverty is that no one should be enslaved; if someone is below poverty and paying income taxes than that portion of their time is enslavement to the state.  Once we are out of the poverty level, we can and should contribute; but no one can be depended on to do the right thing so they have to put a gun to our heads... that's human civilization, conform or lose what liberty you have for the sake of the group.  Not very fun, but it works and the modern West is the freest any group of any humans have ever been, if you take into account the freedom provided by the society.

What does any of that have to do with letting people marry who they want?

My statement, "If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it." wasn't meant as some crazy utopian rule, like my libertarian friends will spout off.  It's just a reminder to put everything into perspective.


Also you're argument does not follow.  Even if the political theory is flawed, how do you justify taking away one person's rights by pointing out other rights taken away?  By your own statements, you should always be on the side of liberty.

I'm always on the side of what I think will work.


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Grey Acumen said:
TheRealMafoo said:

One of the principles of this country is separation of church and state. If you want tax breaks for mirage, fine. But to do that, you need to strip all religious meaning of the word away first. If you don't, then you must believe in god before the government will provide you with additional benefit, or it's against our constitution.

We did that, and the christians got what they wanted. Now when people you don't agree with want the same benefit, you can't now say it's a religious thing. You can't have it both ways.

I want to get married so my wife can visit me when I get sick, so if I die, she is better protected. So she can be on my health benefits, and use my car insurance.

I don't believe in your god, but I do believe in equality. So, allow whomever wants to marry whomever the right to do so.

If you don't want that, fine, remove every government privilege first.

What you're missing is that tax breaks have nothing to do with the religious side of things. The whole point is to protect society as a whole, of which a key aspect is supporting the upbringing of children, which will be the future society. Marriage, and specifically religious marriage is for a man and a woman to commit to a relationship that will result in bearing and raising children together. The tax breaks are to support and strengthen the relationship BEFORE the child is born so that it is already a solid foundation with which to raise the child.

Of course then you get into the whole issue of comparative abilities of child raising, and you hear people putting out cases about how they were raised by single parents just fine, or cases where a man and a woman turned out to be horrible parents, etc etc, blah blah, but a man and a woman in a committed relationship are still going to be the best option for child raising, and religion has nothing to do with that.

1) A marriage between a man and a woman can typically be expected to result in offspring, maybe not immediately, maybe not always, but typically. If you were to force this issue, then that would put unreasonable strain on the relationship between the man and woman that is needed as the stable base for child raising, which is why you base the tax breaks on the marriage, not the presence of children.
A marriage between two men or two women cannot truly be expected to result in offspring. At this rate, any guy could just find another guy and say "hey, lets get married so we don't have to pay as much taxes, if we want to marry a chick, we'll just get a divorce(it's not like there's any legal backlash to getting a mutual divorce)"

Now, there are of course a few arguments against this, such as adoption, artifical insimenation, and sterile couples, which I will address next.

2) Even for those couple that cannot bear children naturally, there is still adoption and artificial insimination. For these cases, gay couples technically have just as much of a shot as straight couples. Except I turn back to original statement that a man and a woman is still the best way to go for child raising. You can bitch at me all you want, my reasons aren't religious, so harping on that isn't going to get you anywhere, but you still don't have a chance at changing my views on that.
Men and Women are physically, socially, physiologically different from each other. When it comes to a relationship, this doesn't make that much of a difference to me, it's purely a personal thing, but when it comes to raising children, the differences are crucial. No matter how in touch with his feminine side a guy is, or how butch a woman is, there's a limit to how well they can understand, empathize, and get the opposite gender to recognize that empathy. Lacking a true mother or father figure that is commited to the other is a SEVERE handicap to child raising, whether that child is a boy or a girl, not only for their ability to grow as an individual, but also for their ability to interact with the opposite gender, form a stable relationship of their own, and raise their own children.

Of course, this is where the main arguments come up involving the single parents, whether by death or by seperation, and I get the indignant questions of "so since my dad raised me alone, I'm less of a person?" Quite frankly it's ridiculous. I never said it's IMPOSSIBLE, I said it's BETTER, and don't give me this shit about "Oh, so I would have been better off if my mom stuck with her abusive husband" and again, no, quit being a retard. The issue is that with the same individual emotional stability of two people involved in childraising, a team of a man and woman will always have the best range of skills and perspectives to handle whatever comes up. That's why a marriage between a man and a woman should be supported.

What this all boils down to is that the purpose of States laws recognizing and supporting marriage is that you cannot make a law that forces people to reproduce and raise children, but that action is still essential to society, so all it can do is encourage those actions.

Very Nice post Grey.  Thank you.  I apreciate your time and effort.


"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself